Chapter Twenty

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Oh, how I had missed that intoxicating vanilla smell, that sweet vanilla taste, that wonderful butterfly feeling when I kissed her.
Oh, how I had missed my Arizona.
When we got to the apartment, we ordered pizza from a Dominos.
That night, we ended up eating three boxes of pizza between the two of us.
Now a lot of you may be thinking, if they're back together then they had sex, right?
We talked.
We talked for hours and hours.
When we looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:00 AM, it was then we realized how long we had been talking.
We talked about Sofia. About Whitney. About Penny. About New York. About Mark. Heck, Erica even came up.
We just talked.
And it was perfect.
She yawns, her blonde bouncy curls falling down her back as she tilts up her head.
"It's ten AM." She whispers. "We ate three pizzas."
I chuckle at her adorable sleepy state. "Yeah. Yeah we did." I say, setting her prothetic aside and swooping her up in my arms, carrying her to the bedroom.
I lay her down on the bed and change out her bandages, then I crawl in next to her.
Feeling my presence, she turns around and faces me.
"Calliope." She says groggily.
"I love yew."
I smile down at her, wiping her bangs off of her face. "I love you too, Az."
Smiling to herself, she scoots her body forward until her face is buried in my collar bone and her arms were wrapped around my stomach.
I kiss her head, before wrapping my arms around her as well, drawing soothing circles on her back as I fall asleep.

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