Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up to the sound of a monitor beeping steadily.
After rubbing my eyes and blinking a couple of times, I realize that I was at Grey Memorial Hospital. I could tell by the similarities all of the hospital rooms had.
Thank goodness I wasn't in the ICU and it was just a hospital room.
But wait.
Why am I here?
I look around for a chart. Luckily, there's one lying on the bedside table right beside me.
I pick it up and flip it open.

Arizona Robbins
Age: 38
Injuries: Sprained wrist, broken ankle, five cracked ribs, concussion, two stitches on face
Doctor: Dr. Sloan, Dr. Torres, Dr. Bailey, Dr. Shepard
Reason: Raped and attacked in bathroom
Release date: Five days

I set the chart back down and close my eyes.
Something shuffles beside me.
Turning my head, I see the beautiful Latina with her head on my thigh, gripping my hand, eyes closed. Her olive-tan skin was tear stained, and this was obviously her first sleep in a couple of days.
I smile at her when the memories come flooding back. Whitney, rape, Callie, saved.
Tears threaten to spill as I remember My Calliope tackling Whitney to the ground as I whispered for her to stop and let it go.
Taking the hand she wasn't holding (the one that had a brace around it) I run a hand through her hair lovingly, sweeping it out of her face.
She stirs a bit, then slowly her big brown eyes flutter open to meet my blue eyes.
"You're awake?" She mumbles, a bit sleepy.
"I'm awake." I say, grinning at her.
She hops up from her seat and runs to the door.
"Mark! She's awake!"
A few seconds later, Mark comes sprinting in. His eyes fill with tears when he sees me.
"Blondie!" Walking over to me, he wraps me in a big hug, kissing my forehead.
"Hey Mark." I say weakly.
"You've been out for two days. We didn't know if you were gonna wake up!" He says, laying in bed next to me.
I smile at him and then slowly frown as I realize my Latina was no longer in the room. "Where's Calliope?" I ask.
He clears his throat. "Well, she broke it off with Penny. Bailey gave her her job back, and Sofia is with Teddy. Teddy flew back and now she's staying at my place. Sofia is asleep right now, considering its 3:00 AM."
"But why did she leave?" I ask.
"She thinks it's her fault. That you don't love her anymore and that she was stupid to run off to New York. She feels guilty for being so stupid."
I hug him around the waist and he kisses my forehead.
"Mark, you know I love you."
"Yeah, I know Blondie."
"But um... Can you send in Calliope? I wanna talk to her. In private."
He smiles and pecks me on the cheek. "Sure thing." Getting out of bed, he does to the door and calls Callie back in, before closing the door behind him.
"Hey." I say to My Calliope.
"...Hey." She whispers.
"Come here." I say, patting the empty place in the bed next to me.
She walks over and sits in the hospital chair beside my bed.
"Not necessarily what I asked for but it'll do." I tease.
"Listen, Ariz -"
"Shut up!" I interrupt. "I'm gonna talk, and you're going to listen."
"But -"
"What did I just say, Calliope Iphignea Torres?"
She nods her head.
"Good. Okay. So I'm going to say this, and I don't want you to respond. Okay? You can think about it, then respond."
She nods again.
I clear my throat. "When I first saw you in that bathroom, it broke my heart seeing you cry. That's when I knew I loved you. When your dad came and tried to take you away from me, I've never been that mad before. Listen, we've both done stupid things. I broke up with you when you told me you didn't want kids. I didn't even want to hear you out. I just knew what I wanted and you didn't agree so why try? That was stupid. So, so stupid. When the shooting happen, and you gave the shooter bandages, I didn't even care about myself or the kid. I just cared about you approaching him, and how you might get shot. I was worried every time we were separated that day that you might not be around. So that's when I told you. I will jab ten kids with you, and I can't live without you and our ten kids. That still stands! Ever since we first slept together, whenever I had flashbacks, you were always there. Always. That's why I freaked out when I had a flashback and you were gone. Because I was scared that you weren't coming back. I need you to survive. Without you these past two months, I didn't breathe, sleep or eat without trying really hard. When I left for Africa, I was quick to realize that that was the dumbest thing I'd ever done. So I came back. And then you said you didn't want me back. I fell into a deep depression after that. When you took me back, I've never felt to relieved. And then the car wreck. Oh the car wreck. It was the scariest couple of days in my life. I can't handle life without you. And then the leg. The plane crash was an awful experience, but the whole time I thought about you. About you having to raise a baby with Sloan by yourself. I didn't want to have to do that to you so I fought. And then, you refused to understand when I went through that depression. There's no way you could understand so I don't blame you for that. But you never let me try and get better. You just cared about you. And that's fine. I get that. But Calliope, I wanted to make it work. I didn't want for it all to be about the leg. And then, I cheated on you. I was going through crap, and j cheated on you. It was the worst mistake I could've made. I regret hurting you every single day. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I cheated on you, Calliope Iphignea Torres. And then, you refused to go to counseling. Then, you divorced me. That was the worst thing in the world. But then, I let you go. I allowed you to leave. And I'm sorry. I should've fought harder. For you, for us. But the truth is, Calliope... I love you. I love you so much. And I don't want to be cheesy but look at what we've gone through. We're still here. We understand what we've gone through. And it's been a lot. But Callie... I love you so much. So much. And so, when I wake up, I want to know. Will you love me? Will you marry me?"
And after that, the pain killers settled in and I immediately fell back asleep.

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