Chapter Four

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One month later

I hadn't seen Arizona in forever, and she was like my best friend when I was at Seattle Grace Mercy West. So, I had decided to go visit her. I had heard from Owen and Mark that she wasn't doing well, so I thought she could use a little cheering up.
Once I got off of my plane, I hailed a Taxi and drove straight to her house.
After paying the Taxi $31.69, I walk inside with my suitcase in hand. I'm surprised to see the door unlocked, but I just walk in anyway.
I gasp at the sight before me.
There were shot glasses all over the kitchen. There were beer bottles thrown on the floor. Empty wine bottles tossed across the two open rooms. There was blood everywhere, and knives were spread across the floor.
"Arizona?" I call out cautiously. "ARIZONA?!?"
I run into the bedroom, where I see Arizona on the bed, sprawled out and snoring obnoxiously. I kick her in the shin, waking her up.
"Wh- what?" She exclaims, sitting up.
"It's me, Ari. It's Teddy." I say.
"Teddyyyyyyyy!" She exclaims. "Long time no walk!"
"You mean long time no talk." I say, rolling my eyes at her drunken state.
"Shut up." She grumbles, sitting up.
I gasp as she raises her hands above her head, putting her hair into a pony tail. Her wrists and fore arms were covered in cuts and dried up blood.
"Zona!!" I shout, grabbing her hand. "What have you done to yourself???"
She begins crying. "I'm sorry, Whitney. I'm sorry! Please, Whitney. Forgive me. Forgive me!!"
I gasp, letting go of her hands. I had seen this in the war. Men crying, begging for someone to take them back. It's what happens when someone they love leaves and then flashbacks of an old lover come back, usually an abusive lover.
Strange. Very strange.
"I won't hurt you!" I exclaim. "I won't hurt you."
She stops crying and looks up at me. "Teddy?"

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