Chapter Forty Four

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We were here.
It was an hour outside of Seattle.
It was a small barn, and it looked like it was going to topple at any time.
It was well hidden. There's a dirt road hidden in trees you have to find to get there.
But we got there.
"Okay." Detective Devin says. "When you get there, lift the latch, but be very slow. Then, when you step in, close and lock the door behind you because she could think you're Whitney and try to run before she knows it's you."
I nod, focusing on his directions.
"She's going to be scared. She's not going to look anything close to your Arizona. She's not going to trust you when you first walk in. Approach her slowly, and use a high, soft voice when you talk to her. Smile softly, but not crazy big. Just make her see who you are. And then take her out here as fast as possible." He says, tapping on his steering wheel.
I nod, opening the car door and walking toward the barn.
Once I am touching the rustic building, I inhale sharply, a tear running down my face, before opening the latch, pushing the heavy door open.
I immediately walk in, then close the door behind me, latching it shut.
I gasp at the sight
Blood was all over the floor. It smelled like blood and burning flesh. I could see the whip on the floor, and a pair of bloodied shackles hanging from the ceiling. There was bloody cum on the ground too from rape.
I look around some more, unable to see where Arizona was, if she was even here.
I take a flashlight out of my pocket and push in the light.
After scanning the room a couple of times, I finally find a figure in the far left corner.
I shut off the flashlight, and I begin walking toward her.
"Arizona?" I whisper, once I'm about five feet away.
She doesn't answer.
"Arizona." I say again. "It's me."
Her face turns to me, and I can't help but gasp.
Her hair was a dark red from blood, almost black. Hay and dirt was spread throughout her hair. She was thin. Oh my god, was she thin. I could see her ribs, and her stomach was caved in so you could see every line in her rib bones, and she didn't have any boobs and her thighs were sticks.
Her whole body was torn apart with cuts everywhere. The skin you could see was oily and brown. I could smell her from where I was standing.
Her face? Under bruises, cuts and burns, I still saw my Arizona.
Despite these differences forced on to her beautiful body, she was still my beautiful Arizona.
And I was going to do my best to make her feel beautiful again. There were four plastic surgeons at the hospital with eight new skin flaps for her.
She limps one mini half step to me.
Then another.
Then another.
She turns her head slightly to the right.

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