Chapter Eighteen

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4:57 AM

I was asleep, hugging a pillow to my side.
Mark had spent the night at the hospital but when it turned 4:30 he got uncomfortable and he moved to an on call room.
I am woken up by the sound of a door know smashing against the wall.
"What in the Hell, Arizona!"
Startled, I sit up, a nauseating feeling in the out of my stomach.
Reaching over to the lamp, I push in the button so that the lamp turns on and light spreads.
I close my eyes and begin shaking, my hands on my temples, rocking back and forth when I saw a sleep deprived Calliope glaring at me with her arms crossed.
I had thought it was Whitney.
I hated that feeling. That awful anxiety that fills my gut when I think of her or what she has done to me.
Calliope runs over to the bed, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm sorry. I forgot you're skittish. Are you alright?"
"I thought you were her. You sounded so angry!" I exclaim through my sobs. "I'm sorry!"
She sits in front of me once I'm calmed down, the door closed behind her.
She crosses her arms, getting an angry expression across her face as she leans against the foot of the bed.
"Why are you mad?" I ask.
My stomach is filled with an unknown guilt. Sinking back, I nod. "What did I do this time? I'm sorry."
Calliope gets a soft look across her eyes. "You're an idiot."
Leaning forward, she tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, then she backs up again.
Tears fill her eyes.
Seeing her cry makes me begin to cry too.
"You think I don't love you!" Calliope sobs. "How can you be so stupid, Arizona!? I thought you didn't love me. I left that counseling room. ME. Not you. NEVER you. The plane crash wasn't you! And if it weren't for the plane crash I wouldn't be annoyed with your sensitive personality. And if I weren't annoyed, I would've paid more attention to you. And if I had paid more attention to you, you wouldn't have cheated. When I was in a car crash, you were hurt too. But you stuck by my side. I promised you I'd never leave. Twice. At Bailey's wedding and when your best Friend died. I LEFT. Why do you love me, Arizona?! You don't deserve me." She begins weeping. "You. Don't. Deserve. Me."
I smile, scooting forward, laying my hands on either side of her face, wiping away her tears with my thumbs.
"I like the girl with the sandwiches." I remind her.
"I don't like sandwiches. I like pizza." She says, chuckling through her tests.
"Me too."

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