Chapter Six

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One Week Later

I've stayed with Arizona for a week now. I managed to get her sober for the time I'm here. I can hear her scream at night, but whenever I come in she tells me that she is fine - it was just a nightmare.
I go home today, but I don't want to. I'm worried something bad might happen once I leave.
"Hey Teddy?" Arizona calls out.
"Thanks for coming by. I really needed the company."
I walk into the kitchen where she is making us eggs for breakfast before my flight leaves at eleven this morning.
"You're welcome." I say. "We need to talk though."
Her face goes white but she just shakes her hair to cover her face. "About what?"
"Your screaming at night. Your nightmares."
She chuckles. "I don't know what you're talking about Teddy."
Taking the pan, she scoops eggs on one of the plates.
"You do though. You've been lying all week." I say, taking the plate. I realize all she gets for herself is a cup of coffee. She hadn't eaten a real meal since I had been here.
"Teddy, let it go. I've been going through something, but it'll pass." She looks up at me. "It always passes."
"Blondie!" A voice calls from the front door, the sound of the doorknob hitting the wall.
"Mark?" Arizona calls out.
He strolls into the kitchen, kissing her on the forehead and then sitting down at the table. "I'm hungry." He states.
Rolling her eyes with a soft smile, she takes the rest of the eggs from the frying pan and scoops some onto a plate, along with microwaved bacon strips and three waffles she toasted.
"Mark." I start off. "Arizona can't admit that she's not okay." I say.
"What do you mean?" He says sharply. "Last time I checked, that was none of your business."
She smiles gratefully at him, and then sips her coffee.
I shake my head and put the plate in the sink. "It's time for me to leave."
After huggin goodbye, the Taxi I had called earlier honks outside.
"Bye Ari! Bye Sloan!"
"Bye Teddy!" They say in unison.


Closing the door behind her, I walk into Mark's embrace, crying.
"Shhhhhhh." He says, rubbing my hair. "It's okay. I'm here. Shhhhhh."
Ever since Callie told Mark how to take care of me, things have been a lot easier. But when Teddy came back and Mark wasn't staying in the house with me I didn't feel safe. I was scared.
I weep into his chest, fisting his shirt.
"She's going to find me!" I sob.

The night she went off to work, I remember her kissing me on the cheek.
"See you when I get back."
As soon as she left and locked the door, I immediately threw all of my clothes in a suitcase. All of my dishes, all of my food, everything that I bought and that belonged to me. The apartment was almost empty once I was done.
I took the wrinkled up paper from an old pair of jeans.
Dr. Fitz
Quickly, I dial that number in my phone.
"Dr. Fitz."
"Uhm yes. This is Arizona Robbins. She just left."
"Okay, Arizona calm down. I'll be right there. What's your address?"
I give him the details and hang up. Taking my keys, I unlock the front door and let myself out. I walk outside to the lobby until I see the black Ford he described. Hopping in, I throw my suitcase in the back.
I was so scared I was weeping.
"She won't get to you." He says. "I'll be there to send you off. I'll make sure she doesn't know."
I nod, sobbing into my hands.
He kindly puts a hand on my back. "She can't get to you, Arizona. You're free."
I smile gratefully at him, silent tears running down my cheeks.
We get to the airport and go through everything. Right when I'm at the door, I get a text.
Whitney : I will find you, bitch.
I sob at the screen, before giving it to Dr. Fitz to dispose of. His son was going to hook me up to his phone bill and get me a new number.
I hug Dr. Fitz goodbye and get on the plane.
As we fly off, I look at the city I once lived, silently saying goodbye to Whitney and my memories.
Only to find out that the memories would haunt me forever.

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