1: The Sketching Trip

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Dedicated to @_Dameloup_ for the amazing cover that I would have never been able to make, even in the course of my whole lifetime, basically.

This is a weird start to the story but I hope you like it!

If you like the book, I would greatly appreciate it if you voted on the ML Watty Awards! Thanks a dozen!

As the first of sunlight filtered through the windows Marinette stretched, yawned, and checked her phone. It took her a few seconds for her to realise that she was going to be late for school, and then she spent the morning rushing around the house constantly looking at her phone.

She luckily got to school just as the bell rung, and she leaped into her classroom as Miss Bustier was handing out sketchbooks.

"Marinette! So glad of you to join us, today. It would seem that you are late, again. Do you have a good explanation for this?"

"I - uh - I - um -" Marinette stuttered and quickly sat down in her seat, next to Alya, who was frowning. "What have you gotten up to this time?" She whispered.

"Now, as I shall explain again for young Marinette here, we are going on an excursion to visit the Eiffel Tower, but for sketching purposes. I assume you are able to adequately sketch."

Marinette grinned; the young girl loved to sketch. She gratefully accepted the sketchbook being handed out to her, and then shoved it in her pink bag before heaving it onto her back.


"Wow, the view is so beautiful, isn't it, Alya?" Marinette said. "Even though I see it everyday ... " She fell into a quick daydream about the beauty of Paris.

Then she looked across the street and her eyes met a poor, homeless man sitting on a park bench under the shade of a tree. "The poor man ... I must give him so money!" Setting aside her sketchbook, she pulled out a note and walked over to the homeless man, who smiled weakly and accepted the money.

"Thank you, my dear," he whispered. He held the note of money gratefully in his open palms. "How very kind you are. You will be rewarded in future for your kindness." Suddenly, there was a blowing of whistles and a policeman, infuriated, stepped out of his car. Sirens wailed; Marinette brought her hands to her ears.

"You're not allowed to be here! It's against the law! If you don't move now I'm going to make you!" Shocked, the man struggled to his feet and slung his dirty backpack on his back. Hobbling away, the poor man clutched the note of money as tears streamed down his face. The policeman blew his whistle one last time before going back into the car with flashing sirens, and driving away down the street.


Hawkmoth opened his eyes and exhaled. "The pure sadness that can come out of one person - it's so ... irresistible." He laughed, although it was more of a cackle. "The poor man, homeless and lost. He has no place in society. He has no say. He has no rights. But he desperately wants that to change." A blinding white butterfly flew into his black-gloved hands, and as he put them together, it turned black. His head lifted up in a boasting fashion. "I can feel the pain, and he will get his revenge.

"Fly away, my little akuma, and evilise him!"


As the homeless man trudged on, dragging his box with him, the akuma fluttered into the money note and his eyes narrowed, taking on a darker tone.

"For years you have lived a desolate life," said Hawkmoth, "but now is time for a change! Now, you can show the whole of Paris what it truly is to be homeless! I grant you the power to take away homes from people, take away their families, and they will become a part of your army. Then everyone will understand how you feel, and you can gain what is rightfully yours."

"Yes, Hawkmoth," the man replied. He clenched the note of money Marinette had given him, crumpled it and stuffed it in his pocket.

"From now on, your name will be Homenemy! You will show the world how you feel! But in return, I need Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculouses."

"I will do anything," Homenemy smirked. "I will take their miraculouses and I will not fail you!" A purply-black ink bubbled over him, and when it faded, he was no longer a homeless man, but a powerful evil. He was dressed in a grey and brown suit, and threaded in the middle was the letter 'H', in a deep purple colour. He had a dark staff, with a diamond-shape placed on the top. A grey mask spread across his face. His boots were black and loud; they trudged back to the place where Marinette and her class were sketching.

He pointed his staff at a tall house which was situated down the street, and it instantly vanished. The people living there appeared on the lawn, but they looked now like zombies. They stood up, as if nothing had happened, and then walked over to Homenemy. "You are now my slaves," he shouted, "and you will obey my every command."

"Yes, master," they shouted. "We will follow you to our deaths!"

Marinette looked up from her sketchbook and saw Homenemy vapourising houses. "Alya!" She cried, pointing. "Over there!" Alya looked up from her sketch book and adjusted her glasses to see what the matter was.

"What ... Is that?!" She cried, and the noise alerted her whole class, including the teacher.

"Class! Follow me! We need to get inside now! Including you, Marinette." Marinette stuttered, "y-yes, ok." While running, she unzipped her purse and whispered, "Tikki! How am I supposed to transform now with them watching me?"

Tikki replied, "You'll figure something out, Marinette!" Panicking, Marinette zipped up the bag and then ran inside with the rest of the class.

❄️ ❄️❄️

This is my first fanfiction so apologies if it makes no sense whatsoever 😅😅 (including the bad name for villians, I had no idea what I was doing) . It would be nice for some improvement comments, please don't be hard on me even if this is really bad (you can see my negative personality here). Normally I don't write fanfiction or romance stories, or even stories like this, I tend to make them up completely and make them way more serious than this, so this whole style of writing is completely new to me.

Anyway, please tell me your thoughts on this story 😉 and tell me what I could do better! Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!


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