12: The Meeting Before

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*This is set just before the previous chapter*

Marinette was half snoozing on her desk as the bell rang, and Tikki was sitting inside her pink purse. Tikki heard her murmur something to Alya as Miss Bustier entered the room, and the class silenced. Most of the time, Tikki felt blind, and sometimes she got so used to the baby pink that when she went into the outside world, pink stains spread across her vision.

Tikki knew she had to attend the next meeting, but she had to do it quietly - she couldn't let Marinette, or worse, the whole class, see her.

As a kwami, she could go through objects. So she quickly went through Marinette's purse, and flew under the table. She darted through the door before anyone could even glimpse her. She flew through the door, sticking to the shadows despite her being bright red.

Master Fu was waiting for her, but this time not meditating. The window was still open, however, and the sound of birds chirping was heard. Relaxing Chinese music calmly played in the background.

Tikki zoomed through the door and into the room. "Phew, that was close," she murmured. "Master?" She asked.

"Yes, Tikki?" Master Fu looked up at the kwami.

"Why did you bring me here at such an inconvenient hour? I'm sorry, but Marinette could have easily spotted me."

"Of course," he said, "that is because Marinette would surely not risk losing you once again. If she found you were missing, she would not let you out of her sight!"

"That's true," Tikki replied, honestly. It wasn't long before Plagg came panting through the door.

"Sorry," Plagg gasped for breath.

"Now that the both of you are here, we must have a short meeting." Master Fu began. "I am sure they have seen their past miraculous holders, have they not?"

"Yes," Tikki and Plagg chorused.

"Good. You may also believe it is destined for them not to find out who each other really are, but long have they worked together and I think it is time they knew."

"You're asking us to tell them," Plagg grumbled.

"No. I am asking you to watch and wait," Master Fu corrected.

"Weren't we going to do that anyway?" Tikki questioned.

"No, you were going to prevent them from knowing. I am asking you to do nothing on the matter."

"Okay...?" Plagg sighed. "Well, I think I already know who Ladybug is."

Tikki turned to look at him. "Well, I know who Chat Noir is," she responded.

"It's Marinette, isn't it?" Plagg said.

"How did you know?"

"It's obvious! For a small god like me," he semi-bragged, "I should be able to know the same girl, with or without a mask. She's got the same hair, the same eyes, not the same attitude, though. But, the hair. That's a dead giveaway."

"And Chat Noir is Adrien, isn't he?"

"Well, yeah," Plagg said. Master Fu clapped his hand to interrupt their conversation. "Now you must go!" He said. "Before school finishes!"

With that, they flew out of the room and back to school, just in time as the bell rang.


Apologies for the extremely short, short chapter, the next one should be way more engaging.

Like, breakthrough engaging.

You get the idea.

*Adding extra lines to make it hit 500 words*

Okay, see you all next time! If you're bored you can read my other ML book, 'Miraculous in China', thank you all for reading! :)


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