25: Ambushed

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"How am I supposed to go out and save the day when I'm stuck inside my room like this?!" Adrien said to Plagg.

"You shouldn't have ran away in the first place," Plagg groaned. "It was a stupid idea." He munched on some Camembert. "You underestimate me."

"What're you talking about?" Adrien sighed.

"I can do more than you think I can do," he explained.

"All that it looks like you can do is it cheese and complain all day," Adrien said.

"Well thanks," Plagg sarcastically said, flying to eye level with Adrien. "I'm not useless, you know. I can do stuff. For example, I could totally ditch you right now -" he flew straight through the closed window and vanished.

He flew straight to Master Fu's home and halted right in front of him. He was opening the window to let in some fresh air.

"Adrien's stuck at home!" Plagg yelled.

Master Fu turned. "Plagg! You must learn to knock!"

Plagg held out his arm. "I can't really knock with this, can I?" he said.


"Adrien's stuck at home and he can't go out at all. His father won't let him leave the place."

Suddenly, Marinette skidded to a stop as she entered the room. "Gah!" she said as she saw Plagg there.

"Adrien's kwami," Plagg explained.

"O-Of course," Marinette stuttered. "Master Fu, A-"

"Yes, he was taken. I know. Plagg has already told me," Master Fu interrupted. "Do not worry. W now know Hawkmoth's weakness - he is Gabriel Agreste. Therefore we must attack him when he is in that form."

"How will we do that?" Marinette asked.

"With the help of the kwami God, of course. She has always waited for a moment like this, a moment where she could defeat Hawkmoth."

The room shook and a beam of light filled the centre. The kwami God dropped to the floor and landed in a ready stance, her colourful dress flowing behind her. "Hello, my friends," she smiled. "It is time. I see that Adrien Agreste's father has kept complete control over his son."

"Yes," Marinette said, "he took him back and won't release him."

"Then we must attack his father, and take his miraculous from him. We then bond it with the peacock miraculous."

"The peacock miraculous? Where is that...?"

"His wife, Maria," the God began, "she once wielded the miraculous, but then she vanished. Gabriel Agreste kept the miraculous safe with him."

"How do you know all of this?" Marinette asked.

"I am the kwami God. I know whoever wields the miraculouses, my dear," she smiled.

"Of course," Marinette said.

"After we bond the miraculouses, Gabriel Agreste will be powerless. And after that, I do not know what we shall do. But we will build that bridge when we come to it."

"Okay ... So when do we attack?" Plagg asked, crossing his arms.

"Tonight," the God announced. "Here is the plan ..."

🐾 🐾 🐾

Night fell, casting shadows across the beautiful city of Paris. A light was on in the Agreste mansion. Master Fu knocked loudly on the front door. There was a sound of loud footsteps coming up to the door.

The door opened and Gabriel Agreste raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"I'm the doctor who saved your son," Master Fu explained.

"If you want to see my son," Mr Agreste said angrily, "he is not available right now. So would you please leave?"

Plagg, as dark as the night, slipped through the door as the father was distracted. He flew to the golden portrait of Adrien and his parents, and pulled it open slowly, taking care so that it wouldn't creak loudly. With his night vision, he scanned for the peacock miraculous.

He took and and then quietly shut the portrait.

There was a shout as Gabriel Agreste fell to the ground, his feet entangled with string. "What is this?" he roared.

Ladybug smirked. "You're not getting away this time," she said.

"Get away from me!" he yelled, as he tried to free himself but it was no use.

"Your miraculous. Where is it?" Master Fu asked, calmly.

"Why would I tell you?" Gabriel sneered. There was an abrupt flash of light as the kwami God appeared before him.

"Your miraculous," she said in a haunting voice, "where is it? I am the kwami God, and if you will not listen," she floated to his shoulder and held out a finger, "my powers will sort you out."

"NO! I will not listen to you however powerful you are!"

"You do not meddle with a God's temper!" the God shouted.

"You cannot and you will not harm me! You will not find my miraculous!"

The kwami God gestured for Plagg to come over. He held out the peacock miraculous. "Remember this?" he asked.

"No ..." the man mumbled. "How did you -"

"Secrets cannot be kept from me," she interrupted. "Tell me where your miraculous is or I will break this."

"Don't break it!" he said. "You wouldn't!"

"I would be prepared to do anything to destroy you, Hawkmoth," she replied. Gabriel lowered his eyes. "It is in my office. I will tell you no more."

"Of course," the kwami God smiled, "now I remember. The second drawer on the left," she instructed Plagg. "Now how did I remember where the peacock miraculous was, but not the moth one? I must be losing my memory," she sighed.

Plagg instantaneously came back with the moth miraculous, and the kwami God took them both and held them up.

"You can't remove my powers! I will seek the miraculous once more!"

"I can remove your powers if I bond both of the miraculouses," the kwami God explained, as she held them up to the light. She slowly raised her hands, each miraculous in each one, and they both floated to the air.

"Now they will bond!" she cried. A sizzling light dazzled them, piercing the miraculouses, and then they were gone.

One fell into her hands. Just one.

With both of the elements of the peacock and the moth. The kwami God closed her eyes.

"They have been bonded," she announced.

🐞 🐞🐞

Okay that was really weird and a lot of dialogue. Like a lot of dialogue.

Erm ... I hope you enjoyed the extremely stupid chapter.


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