Special Chapter #1

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Adrien lay in bed thinking.

But where they really meant to be together?

He heard a knock on his door, and suddenly Plagg leapt up. "Adrien ... Why?" he whispered, cheese crumbs scattered along his mouth.

"What do you mean, why? What have I done?" Adrien asked, confused.

"You asked too many dumb questions, you jerk," Plagg groaned. "And now you've awoken the Oz."

"What's the Oz?" Adrien asked. "What are you even talking about? Are you alright? It's probably just Nathalie, calm down, Plagg." He stepped to open the door when a beam of bright light hit him. A tall silhouette was fiercly standing there, with fire red eyes and an angry look upon its face.

"I am ozoli11 , also known as the Oz! I am sick of all of your stupid internal questions and I have come here to stop you. Of course you were meant to be together."

"W-What?!" Adrien yelled. "What is going on? What did I ever do?"

"I just told you, you dumb boy, you ask stupid questions that I am just sick of. Of course you were meant to be together. It is so obvious. Can't you already see? Marinette has a crush on you. You have a crush on Ladybug. Isn't that obvious enough already?"

"U-Uh, yeah, sorry! I won't ask anymore dumb questions ... Look, I'm sorry. Do you mind leaving?"

The Oz stepped forward. It was a girl. "Yes. I mind."

"Wait - where do you come from? Are you akumatised?"

"Of course not, you kitty. I'm just annoyed that you keep asking these pointless questions. I come from another dimension, where you are just in a book. I came through a portal to shut you up."

"That's ... A great reason to come through a portal ...?" 

"I actually was reading this book so I know everything that was going on." She clicked her fingers and a screen appeared. There was a brown-haired girl with brown eyes sitting on a big bed, inside a hotel room. She had pale skin and had a concentrated look on her face.

She was writing, typing something.

"She's the writer. She's writing you. Everything that you do is because of her. You may not realise it, but you're being controlled."

Plagg laughed. "Haha, Adrien. Well, too bad."

 "That includes you, Plagg," the Oz quickly said. Plagg sagged.  

Adrien's jaw dropped in shock. Everything that he wanted to do, wasn't of his own will, but hers? The writer's? He couldn't believe it.

"Alright, so I swear, Adrien, if you ask any more dumb internal questions I will come back and I will slap you. For now, I'm just shooting you with a water gun. Honestly, I will not hesitate to slap you, because I really want to slap you right now.

A water gun appeared in her hands and Adrien's eyes widened in despair. He dived under the bed, hoping for protection.

The Oz laughed and turned away, the water gun materialising. "I don't have much more time in this world," she called, "but I'll be back later if you don't listen to me!" 

Suddenly, there was a flash of white light, and the Oz was gone.

Adrien peered above his bed and scanned his room. "Thank god that's over," he mumbled. "I guess I shouldn't ask any more bad questions," he sighed.

"You better not. I definitely do not want you to be slapped, despite the many times where I'm just plain annoyed at you," Plagg folded his arms.

Adrien turned out the light and rolled over. His eyes flickered and closed, but his last thought before he went to sleep was -

Was the Oz right? Where they really meant to be together?

  🐞 🐞🐞    

ozoli11 I really hope you liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it. Wishing for the best, now.

See you all next time, 




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