17: The Bitter Cold

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For the full effect play epic music during this chapter because that's what I did. The album is called 'Sigma'. You can play it on YouTube, down below. I seriously just found this and felt super motivated, haha xD you don't have to play it if you don't want to.


The wind was howling on the Sunday morning as Marinette woke up. She didn't expect it to be so cold, although it was September. There were strong gales, that she heard loudly from even inside her room.

"Uhh..." Marinette groaned, as she sat up in bed at seven in the morning, not to the sound of birds chirping or sunlight filtering through the room, but loud noises. She opened the window and felt a gust of wind blow across her face, her hair flowing back. Shutting the window quickly, a sudden wave of realisation hit her.

"No, he can't come today," Marinette gasped.

"You just invited him over!" Tikki exclaimed.

"I can't! I can't tell him! I'll tell him tomorrow!" Marinette continued, desperately.

"You can't just cancel it," Tikki said.

"Fine then. He'll come over." She whisper-yelled. She hit her head with a pillow to try to wake herself up, and then pulled on her everyday outfit - some pink jeans and a flowery shirt. 

"Have you gotten ready, Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"Almost," Marinette replied. "There are some cookies on the table if you want them."

"Yes, I'm starving," the kwami realised. She flew over to the cookies and started munching hungrily on them. Marinette pulled on her jacket and looked in the mirror.

"Hair okay?"

"Yep," Tikki said, through bites of cookies. "All good."

Marinette brushed her hair back and pinned on a small clip to keep it that way. She slung on her purse and opened it up. Her phone buzzed.

I'm still coming, right? Adrien had texted.

Yes, be at the bakery at eight. Thanks. Marinette texted back. Breathing for a moment, she closed her eyes and tried not to think of the worst case scenario.

She could tell him and he could ... Hate her. He could be disappointed. He could be angry.

Would he be disappointed?

Marinette buried her head in her hands. "I - I can't bear this ... I don't know how he will react!"

"He won't be angry, Marinette," Tikki comforted. "There's no reason for him to hate you, either." It was as if she had read her thoughts. "Don't worry! Just, as I said, speak through your heart and you'll be fine."

She spent the next half an hour getting ready, mentally and physically. Remembering the posters, she quickly took them all down until her walls looked almost boring. At ten to eight, she went downstairs where her father was busy working.

"Dad! Adrien's coming round today," Marinette explained.

"Great," Mr Dupain planted a kiss on her forehead as Marinette opened a pack of macaroons to calm herself down. Ten minutes passed by. She wanted to scream to let all the tension go. But she remained quiet, and let her father peacefully bake before the bakery opened.

Eight o'clock. Her dad flipped the sign to open, and already a customer was coming in to buy some bread, but not many people were out since the winds were in force.

The bell rang.

Adrien stepped inside the bakery, pulling down his scarf and exhaling. When he saw Marinette, he waved. "Eight o'clock," he said. "You needed to talk to me, right?"

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