23: On the Run

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This chapter is super weird, but I hope you enjoy it :D

"You're just going run away?" Marinette gasped.

"I  guess," Adrien concluded. "I mean, I can't even see my dad anymore with dying inside. Let alone live with him." He looked down at the table under him.

"He's going to go nuts," Marinette said. "He's going to think that Nathalie told you, and I can't even begin to think what he'll do to her. Plus, you're a fifteen year old boy with no pocket money and nowhere to live. How're you supposed to just run away? It's the modern world, you can't just start a fire in the middle of the woods and make a tree house."

Adrien sighed. "I just want to go anywhere but the Agreste mansion. Too many memories," he choked. "My mother."

Marinette sat closer. "I'm sorry about your mother ... But why is this affecting you now?"

"I don't know," Adrien whispered. "I don't know why should would just ... Leave me like that. Abandon us. I think that's why my father went cold."

"Maybe he's just trying to care for you -"

"Care for me? If he would care for me, then he wouldn't be Hawkmoth, would he?" he interrupted. Another tear. "Why ..." he whispered. "Why did he do this to me?"

"I don't know," Marinette reassured, "but you will become a much better person than he is."

"I'm going to tell him that I know, that I overheard him in the hallway," he said.

(A/N I don't. Know. What. I'm. Doing.)

"Tell him?" she gasped. "But ..."

"I want you to come with me," he said.

  🐾 🐾🐾 

"Son, I'm busy," Gabriel yelled from inside his office. "Go away and come back later!"

Marinette clenched Adrien's hand as he opened the door.

"I told you to come back later! And what're you doing here, Marinette?" Gabriel asked, coldly. "Adrien, this had better be important or you will be in a lot of trouble. What is it?"

Adrien cleared his throat and Marinette gave him a nod.

"I'm leaving," he said.

"What?!" Gabriel said. "I've had enough of this nonsense. Just get straight to the point, I'm busy!"

"Because you're Hawkmoth," Adrien said angrily, "I can't live with a father who's done this to the world. I can't. I'm done with this. Goodbye."

"Son!" Gabriel's face softened. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean," Adrien said, "you're Hawkmoth! I'd rather be anywhere but here!"

"I'm your father, nothing more, nothing less!" Mr Agreste exclaimed. 

"I don't believe you," Adrien replied. 

"I only wanted a good life for you!" Gabriel snarled. "I wanted to raise you like a good son! And this is how you repay me? I can't believe how spoilt you've become. And who told you this? Nathalie, I presume ..."

"No. I heard you and Nathalie inside your office. You fired her. Why? Because she spoke the truth. So if you want me to live a good future - then leave me alone." 

Mr Agreste stood up and raised a hand in alarm, but Adrien and Marinette had already turned away. "It was for your mother!" he said.

Adrien turned. "What?"

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