26: One More Day

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I'm still using fillers and the reveal is coming soon.

Meanwhile, I'm sorry but this is like my order of ships in ranking (1 - Least favourite, 4 - OTP!)

1 = Marichat

2 = Ladrien

3 = Ladynoir


My opinions are probably totally different to yours. I like Marichat, it's not that I don't like it or anything but it's my least favourite out of the four XD

Anyway, let's get on with the story. I have one hour. Let's do this.

🐞 🐞 🐞

Ladybug gazed in shock at the bonded miraculous. "Can you extract them?" she asked.

"No, I don't think so," the kwami God shook her head sadly.

"So what about ... The kwamis?"

"The kwamis are gone - another has been made. We have just lost one hero," she replied, letting the bonded miraculous float slowly into her cupped palms. "There is a kwami, however, for this miraculous."

"Are the powers stronger, at least?" Ladybug asked. She shot a glare at Gabriel Agreste and tugged at the string of her yo-yo to make it even stronger.

"No. They are just the same," the kwami God said. "I shall keep this miraculous safe with me." She held out her hands and the miraculous disappeared and a blinding white flash.

"We should go and check on Adrien," Plagg suggested, coming into the light.

Hawkmoth frowned.

"Yes, yes, your son is Chat Noir," Plagg blabbered.

"How did I not know?!" he bared his teeth in anger and tugged at the string. The string vanished as Ladybug detransformed and Gabriel stood up.

"You're powerless now, anyway," Marinette said, as she, Plagg and the kwami God went into the mansion. They clambered up the stairs and burst into Adrien's room.

"Adrien!" Marinette yelled, as he opened his eyes to find her pale face looking down at him from above. He immediately sat up.

"Marinette...?" he whispered. "What happened?"

Marinette rolled her eyes jokingly. "Well, while you were fast asleep and in the land of dreams, we were hard at work trying to get rid of your dad's ... Powers ..." she finished sighing.

"Did - Did you do it?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, "but we bonded the peacock miraculous and the moth miraculous."

"Wait - so my father's powers are gone?" he gasped.

"Yes, but so is the kwami," Marinette explained, holding out a hand and pulling him to his feet. The kwami God flew towards Adrien.

"Your mother had the peacock miraculous. She was one of Paris' greatest superheroes," she explained. "I believe I can give you a day with her."

"H-How?" Adrien asked. "She's - she passed away, didn't she?"

"Yes, but I am the kwami God, and since the miraculouses have been bonded, I have another power source. I can bring her back for around twenty hours, but after that, she's gone."

"I would love to meet my mother again," he whispered. The kwami God nodded, and the miraculous appeared again in her smooth palms. She lay it on the floor held it tightly, closing her eyes, in a meditative state.

Then a beautiful young woman dropped to the floor and opened her eyes. She swept back her blonde hair and looked at her son.

Where was she?

She sat up.

"Mom?" Adrien gasped.

"Son!" she cried, launching into a long hug. Marinette smiled kindly as she watched the family reunite. "I can't believe it - there was nothingness and then I was just ... Here!" Maria Agreste planted a kiss on her son's forehead. She gazed up at the kwami God in shock. "Were you the one who brought me back ...?" she asked.

"Yes," she said, "I did. I brought you back, but sadly, it only works for a day."

"Any chance to see my son again," Maria whispered, feeling tears slip down her rosy cheeks and off her pointed chin. "I missed you so much, Adrien. Look how much you've grown since I last saw you!" she smiled, ruffling his messy blonde hair.

"W-Why did you leave?" Adrien asked, still hugging her mother tightly.

"I knew what your father was going to become," she replied. "I didn't want to be there. I was going to come back for you. I went all the way to Tibet, but I don't know what happened. I think there was some kind of plane crash and I didn't make it back," she sobbed.

They continued talking for a while.

Because that was all the family that Adrien had left.

He had his mother for one day. There were so many questions he needed to ask, so many answers he wanted to find out, but he didn't have enough time. But there wasn't enough. There was never enough.

He just had to use this one last day.

One last chance.

🐞 🐞🐞

This story is coming to an end, the next chapter is probably gonna be the last one. If there are any unanswered questions that I have completely forgotten please contact me/comment right here and I will try to fit them in. My memory is pretty horrible so I might leave a whole bunch of unanswered questions. Sorry guys. My writing is rubbish ;( I don't even know.

Probably will be a sequel, MAYBE, cos this is Book 1. But I'm super busy at school so there might not be a lot of updates because it's not the summer.

Love you all, good luck in life.

-Hazel 🐱

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