10: The Second Return

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(This is set at the same time as when Marinette found Tikki.)

Adrien had just about given up looking for Plagg when the familiar kwami zoomed through the door, panting like he had just run a mile.

"Adrien..." Plagg moaned, collapsing onto the desk in front of him. "Cheese ..." 

"Plagg!" Adrien exclaimed. "Where were you?!" He rushed over to the tired kwami, confused.

"Jeez, I'm here now. And I want my cheese," Plagg replied, sleepily. Adrien sighed with a response and walked over to a plate of Camembert, the stink wafting into the air and making his room smell awful. Pinching his nose, his picked up the plate and set it down on the desk.

"There," he choked, "Is your Camembert ... I hope you enjoy the foul thing."

"Thanks, Adrien - for once without complaining -" he hungrily ate the cheese. Suddenly, he put his heart on his chest and faked a heartbreak. "How dare you say Camembert is foul! It is delicious ... Mmm ..." He continued eating.

"Yeah, okay," Adrien said, "But seriously?! Where were you?!"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that," Plagg said, in between bites of cheese.

"You were missing for a day! You can at least give me an explanation to make it up for me!"

"Nope, not a words coming out of my cheese-filled mouth," Plagg replied, shaking his head. Adrien frowned. "Alright," he said, "you've enjoyed your cheese. If you can't give me an explanation, fine, but I'm going out now. Plagg ..."

Plagg waved his tiny arms around. "No, no, no! I haven't even finished my Camembert yet! I'm only half way through!"

"... Claws out!" Plagg was sucked into Adrien's ring unwillingly, and Chat Noir leapt out of his window. 


Chat Noir slipped back through his window, saying tiredly, "Plagg, claws in." He detransformed, and Adrien sat on his bed.

"I can't believe I just did that," he said to Plagg, "considering the fact that you completely vanished for a few hours. I'd think that the whole of Paris would have turned into a zoo already."

"Yeah," Plagg murmured, munching on the last scraps of unfinished cheese on his plate. "Oh yeah, think I have to show you something ..." He said.

"What?" Adrien replied.

"Have to show you something," Plagg repeated, shoving the cheese into his mouth. "That. Was. Good."

"Well what is it that you have to show me?"

Plagg folded his 'arms'. "Jeez. Don't be so impatient. I'm just finishing off some of my cheese, okay? Right," he snapped.

The room darkened, just like Marinette's. 

The cat miraculous, the power of destruction.

A sudden figure emerged in the darkness. It was tall, in a black suit, but not as tight. He had a mask, just like Chat Noir, and he had brown hair, electric-blue eyes and cat ears. He stood tall and proud.

Suddenly, his gaze went to Adrien.

"Come with me," he smiled, and lended his hand. They were no longer in Adrien's room, but in an older Paris, perhaps fifty to a hundred years ago.  The rooftops of Paris were more ancient, more historical, yet more transfixing. The Eiffel Tower still stood there, tall, gleaming, and as proud as ever.

The other Chat Noir sat in his room, on an intricate golden chair. He apparently was a rich person in the Parisian society. He was writing papers, important papers for his father, who had just entered the room.

"Bruno," his father was saying, Adrien watching like an observer. "You need to go out and deliver those papers to the post office." His father brought out a wax seal as Bruno shoved the papers into an envelope. He brought the stamp down and the seal was made.

Bruno walked out, pushing open the grand doors, and was walking to the post office when he saw a man there, about in his forties, Chinese, and too short to reach the letter box. He was straining to get the letter inside, but he was much too short.

Quickly, he hurried to the man's aid. "Here, let me help you," Bruno smiled. "Is it important?"

"Yes, very," the man replied. "Thank you so much - I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't reach the letter box. I guess that's what happens every time I go to La Poste. I always have to ask someone to help me."

"Well, at least this time it should be easy. I'm from a noble family, perhaps I can ask to adjust the height of this box so it's more accessible!"

"Thank you so much, you are very kind. Seems I have chosen well." 

"Wh-What?" Bruno called back, but the man did not look back. Confused, he stumbled along home after delivering his letters, but found a mysterious chest on his desk. It was small, and black and red.

What is this? He thought to himself. He opened his chest, and inside the chest was a ring.

Adrien, suddenly back in the modern world, blinked in surprise and  confusion.

"What is this, Plagg?"

Plagg looked up at him. "Well what do you think it is?" he snapped.

"Uh ... The Chat Noir before me?" He answered.

"Exactement," Plagg said, in French.

"Why did you do this all of a sudden? Has it got to do with your disappearance?"

"Uh ... No!" Plagg laughed uneasily. Adrien folded his arms in suspicion.

"Alright ..." Adrien said. "I guess it's good you're back and you're definitely not going to leave me stranded like this ever again," he eyed him.

"Of course not!" Plagg waved his arms. "I won't desert you ever again!"

The Importance of a Kwami [Book 1] | Miraculous Fanfiction [#MLWattyAwards]Where stories live. Discover now