8: The Meeting

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Master Fu knelt on his soft, woven carpet with his eyes firmly closed. His room was small, but fresh air flowed through the room, of which he inhaled. The windows were open, and so the soothing sounds of birds easily sounded around the room, which helped to calm Master Fu. Despite the disturbing sounds of cars and horns honking, and people shouting and running away, he was focusing well, having managed to block those sounds out of his mind. All he could hear were the birds chirping, and relaxing music playing on an ancient record in the background.

Surprisingly, the door was ajar, as if to welcome anyone who wanted to enter. And so someone did enter, but someone rather unlikely. Master Fu's eyes flickered, sensing an entrance, and then opened, widely.

It was Tikki. She was staring, confused, at Master Fu, with her big blue eyes. She fluttered toward him, and he smiled in return.

"Tikki, I was expecting you," he spoke softly. "Please, if you may, sit on this intricate carpet of mine. A delicacy, is it not? When you flutter about in mid air, it confuses me, distracts me. I'd much rather have a subject that does not levitate."

He picked up some tea and drank slowly, still looking at Tikki. 

"Why did you call me?" She suddenly spoke. "You know that Paris is under attack! Without Ladybug, how are we going to stop the villians from taking over Paris?"

"Do not worry, my little kwami," Master Fu smiled, "Paris will be safe, and no lives will be lost - only lessons to learn. Now we must wait."

"Wait for what?" Tikki asked.

"What for the other kwami, of course," Master Fu replied. Tikki thought back, to over a thousand years ago, when she had last seen kwami. She racked her small brain, trying to remember what he looked like, what he smelled like, what he liked. Tikki remembered that he was black, with cat ears, and sharp green eyes. He also had a cat's tail. He was, in fact, quite opposite to her.

It was about five minutes, but it seemed like forever before Plagg flew into the room.

"You called me," he muttered to Master Fu, and then turned his gaze to Tikki. "Tikki!" He suddenly said, and his drowsiness slipped away. 

"Plagg!" She replied. "I haven't seen you in ... Over a millennium!" They flew to each other and gave themselves gentle hugs. Master Fu smiled. "That was a lovely reunion," he interrupted, "and as much as I would like it to go on, I am afraid we have some business to attend to."

"Of course, Master Fu," Tikki said, flying back to her position on the floor. "I nearly forgot you in that reunion."

"There is nothing wrong with that. Nothing better than seeing an old friend, eh?" He smiled. Plagg flew by next to Tikki, and they gazed at the 'giant' before them.

"So what is it that you called us for?" Tikki asked. "It must be really important if you're taking up important time for it."

"Ladybug and Chat Noir have grown close, after two years of fighting off villians together. Much has happened in those two years," he said, "and now I believe it is time for something new. I think that they have grown a strong relationship, and have become good friends. But now I need your help to show them things that will take a great step."

Tikki looked thoughtfully up at him.

"Firstly, you must show them the Ladybug and Chat Noir's before them. How many were there, Plagg?" 

"Ten each," Plagg mumbled, his drowsiness having obviously returned to him. "Don't ask me to remember their names, please ..."

"Of course not, Plagg," Master Fu smiled, "there is no need for that. Besides, by the looks of it, it would be way above your ... Capabilities at the moment."

"How will this help them?" Tikki said, placing her words carefully so she didn't accidentally say 'Marinette'. 

"They will have a clearer understanding of who they are meant to be, and why they were chosen to be the Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"He'll probably be too busy complaining about how I was missing," Plagg grumbled.

"You will have to return regularly," Master Fu continued, "Perhaps when Ladybug and Chat Noir are asleep. Then we will discuss what to do in future."

"Yes, Master Fu," Tikki chorused. They quickly bowed. Tikki and Plagg had one last look at each other, before zooming back to their 'homes'. Master Fu knelt down comfortably once more, and resumed his peaceful meditation, the breeze flowing through the window, creating fresh air.

  🐞🐾 🐞

Sorry for the extremely short chapter! I needed to get this idea out of my head ... Is this whole meeting thing a good idea or a bad idea? I thought up this, and I needed some kind of special twist to my story.

I don't know. Do you like it? 

Thanks for reading,


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