24: My Son

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Marinette woke up to a sunny day. She quickly put on some clothes and let Tikki fly into her small purse before she went downstairs for some breakfast. She wasn't surprised to find Adrien almost finished with his.

"How did you sleep?" Marinette asked, putting on her jacket and sitting down next to him.

"Great, thanks," Adrien smiled, putting away his bowl. "How about you?"

"Good," Marinette replied, quickly eating her cereal. "Normally I leave for school in ..." she checked her watch and her eyes widened. "Five minutes ago?!" she gasped. "Oh my God I gotta get ready!" 

Carelessly tossing her bowl into the sink, she scrambled up the ladder and quickly packed her things, before running back down again thirty seconds later. "Alright! Let's go!" she yelled. She involuntarily grabbed Adrien's hand and they ran out of the bakery and along the street, skidding into class. Everyone was looking at them.

"So this is what it's like to be late?" Adrien said, as he took his place.

"Me. Everyday," Marinette sighed, as she sat next to Alya. Luckily, the teacher was late that day so they didn't get a detention or a trip to the principal's office. 


Gabriel Agreste needed his son back, he had to get his son back.

He wouldn't be staying with Marinette for much longer, but he had to draw him in.

Adrien wouldn't even want to be with him let alone live with him. Alright, if Adrien didn't want to come, then he would make him. He couldn't let his son leave him. It was the last piece of his family, and if he lost that, then he lost everything.

Even if his son wasn't happy by his side, it was better than having no son at all.

And so the plan would commence. He would take his son back ... For real.

  🐞 🐞🐞 

"Adrien," Marinette said softly, "I don't know if you can stay at my place forever ..."

"I know. I'm sorry I had to put this through you ..." Adrien replied. Marinette was about to respond when a flash appeared in her room.

Hawkmoth. She should have known he would have come back for his son. "Please," Hawkmoth said, "Adrien, come back. I have missed you, son."

"I don't want to go near you, you monster!" Adrien cried.

"I'm not a monster! I was only trying to bring your mother back! Wouldn't you do the same?"

"I would," Adrien said, "but not if it put the lives of all these citizens in danger! It's not right, father, you know that!"

"But it is right! Don't you want to see your mother again?"

"Of course I do," Adrien said, "but if it means doing what you do then ... I'd rather not."

Hawkmoth frowned. "I thought you loved her."

"I do love her! You're not getting what I'm saying!" Adrien yelled.

"He loves her," Marinette explained, angrily, "but he doesn't want you to harm people just to bring her back."

"I've already lost her, and I'm not going to lose you," Hawkmoth stressed. He grabbed Adrien's arm and pulled him towards him. "You're coming with me and you're not running away again."

"Adrien!" Marinette cried, clinging on to his wrist. Hawkmoth seemed to be opening a portal-like blue swirl, where it was sucking them in. Marinette clenched Adrien's hand, and he tried to pull away from Hawkmoth but the force was too strong. Marinette's hair whipped in the wind as she pulled.

Adrien let out one last cry before he and Hawkmoth were gone.

Marinette was alone.

She wondered when she was ever going to win.

  🐾 🐾🐾 

Adrien landed on the familiar floors of the Agreste mansion.

"Welcome home, son," Hawkmoth said, as he detransformed into Gabriel Agreste. Adrien knew that there was no use running, he would just be captured once again. He sighed and looked around. "I've employed a new assistant," Gabriel said, "a much more loyal one." He gestured to the door, and a woman walked through the door.

"She's not real," Adrien gasped - it was the first thing that he had noticed.

"And that is perfect," Gabriel continued, "because she knows everything about you and she knows how to properly take care of you. She will not spill secrets. You are no longer allowed to go to school - she will home-school you. You are not allowed to leave the house at all unless I say so. "

"W-What?" Adrien stuttered. "I can't go to school?"

"And you most definitely cannot see that Marinette any longer. She is a distraction."

"She's not a distraction!" Adrien said. "She's my friend!"

"Well, she is not any longer. If the robot, of which is called Nathalie, spots you leaving the house, she will immediately inform me."

"You can't call her Nathalie!" Adrien exclaimed. "T-That's not her!"

"I can call her whatever I like," Gabriel snapped. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"

Adrien remained silent, frowning at his father. "That's not fair. What about my future career paths?"

"You will become a model, of course," Gabriel said, sternly.

"But I don't want to be a model," Adrien said, "I want to be someone else! Like an artist!"

"No. As I said, you will become a model." He clicked his fingers and Nathalie walked to his side with repeated movements.

"Yes sir?" Nathalie said, in a robotic voice.

"Go and bring Adrien to his room. Make sure he doesn't go out. Let him do whatever he wants in his room," Gabriel ordered.

"Yes Mr Agreste," Nathalie answered. She firmly grabbed Adrien's hand with a grip that was almost unbreakable.  Adrien frowned at his father before stumbling away. "If you want me to raise me well," he called, "at least let me be happy!"

Gabriel said nothing, only watched his son being dragged away.

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