5: The Last Day

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The next few weeks were relatively calm; no attacks where being held, no akumas being released ... It seemed almost too quiet. The last day of school was being held and Marinette was rejoicing at even the sound of it.

She went to school with a spring in her step, almost dancing to school, but her self-consciousness got the better of her and she tried to look as casual as she possibly could, holding her pink purse and trying not to bounce along and disrupt Tikki who was groaning inside. She saw Adrien step out of his limousine and casually wave to her as he slung on his backpack. She waved back happily.

Marinette entered the classroom with a big smile and flushed cheeks, and found her place next to Alya who was busy fixing up her Ladyblog. "Hit 1 million views on my latest video, 'Attack at the Grand Paris'!" She squealed. "Girl, this is amazing!" 

Chloé snorted. "I think my designer heels being saved was amazing. Like, do you know how expensive those were? Like, 1 million views is nothing compared to me. I am the daughter of the mayor so you might as well just all bow down in front of me, you dumb girl."

"I don't think anyone cares, Chloé," Marinette backfired. Chloé snorted and waved her hands in a flimsy fashion. "Whatever," she said.

"That girl," Marinette sighed, "Drives me insane. I'm looking forward to not seeing her for six weeks," she grinned. "But then again, I won't be seeing Adrien for six weeks ..." She sighed.

Miss Bustier raised a hand and the class silenced. "I know it's the last day, and you're all excited, but we need to settle down." She pointed at the deep green blackboard and scribbled on some words:

Vous devez faire les devoirs pendant l'été!

"We have to do homework during the summer?" Marinette complained. "Urgh ... I'm so sick of all of this. Lists of things to do."

Alya looked at her. "Marinette, we always have to do homework during the summer! Like, just one big project. It's fine. You have the whole summer to complete it! It's never that hard, anyway. I wonder what it was last year ..." She pondered.

Marinette sighed and laid her head on the table as the teacher blabbered on about what to do in the summer. 

"... The project is simple! It's to join one thing to help the community. It could be community service, or helping the elderly, as long as you do something! We will be reviewing what you've done in the summer next year. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy your holidays! That's all for today!" Miss Bustier concluded, and the students eagerly packed up and left the room. She adjusted her teal collar and her bun, before walking out of the classroom, and closing the door. Now it was empty, and it was going to be for the next few weeks.


Marinette quickly set down her stuff and wheeled around on her desk chair. Suddenly, she heard a knock. "Yes?" She called.

"It's your mother," Mrs Dupain-Cheng called.

"Come in," Marinette replied. Her mother lifted up the door, and stepped into the room. "How was your last day, Marinette?" She asked kindly, sitting down on her bed.

"Thanks mum, it was ... Great ..." Marinette replied, pulling back a few stray hairs.

"I know you've got a lot planned out for the summer holidays, but I enrolled you in some volunteer work!" She clapped her hands. "I know you'll love it, sweetie, you're working with animals! Your teacher notified me, telling me you had to do something to help the community. And I thought, what better way to do it then with animals?"

"Mum ..." Marinette sighed, but she didn't feel like arguing; she did it for her best interests anyway. "Ok. When does it start?"

"Tomorrow!" Her mother replied, excitedly.

"Tomorrow?!" Marinette nearly leapt out of skin. "What do I wear?! What do I do?! I've never worked with animals before!" She ran around her room in frustrated circles.

"Calm down Marinette! The instructor will help you every step of the way, don't worry!" She pulled out a macaroon box from her back. "Freshly from your loving father. I hope you enjoy these. And also - you don't need to worry about tomorrow. Just let it flow through. You'll have enjoyed it at the end, anyway." Marinette smiled weakly, but gratefully and accepted the box, and her mother left her alone with her own thoughts.

"Oh Tikki," Marinette sighed as Tikki flew into sight, "what am I going to do now?"

"Marinette, sometimes you overreact! It's just some work to help with the animals! It will be an enjoyable summer, don't worry," Tikki smiled.

Marinette lay down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I guess ..." She sighed, thinking about how else she was going to spend her summer.

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