14: Kindness

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Ladybug wiped her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

No, it was him. It was definitely him. There was no mistake.

His eyes flickered and closed, and he fell back into her arms. He was hurt. And she had hurt him. How could she have let this happen? How did she not fight harder? She could have gained control over the akuma ... But no. She was too weak.

Ladybug wiped away a tear that stained her left cheek, and she lifted the unconscious boy in her arms, before leaping off the Tower in search of help. She needed to find a hospital. Along the river, she quickly swung to a hospital, which was nearby. She darted through crowds of people and through the entrance doors, right in front of the receptionist.

"This boy," she panted, "was hurt. He needs medical attention at once!"

The receptionist scrolled through files on her computer, before looking up at Ladybug. Of course, she was amazed, but tried not to show it.

"You'll have to wait for fifteen minutes, before Room 122 is available - that is the next free space. The staff are cleaning it up."

"Fifteen minutes?!" Ladybug yelled. "Do you know who I am? I'm Ladybug, and I find this boy important, so please give me a room now!" She hated using people through her power, but this time was an emergency.

The receptionist panicked and scrolled through. "Y-Yes, you can go to Room 122 now." She held up her handheld transceiver and spoke quickly, "This is Margaret. Hurry up with your cleaning, we have a patient coming in." She slid a form over the table and Ladybug quickly filled it in.

(A/N Sorry, I seriously do not know any hospital procedures)

After all the quick things she had to do, she followed the signs to the first floor and ran into Room 122 with a panicked expression plastered across her face. A doctor was standing there, his back turned to them, and a few cleaners hurried out of the room.

The doctor turned around. "Hello, Ladybug," he said. "This boy - he was struck by lightning, was he?"

"Yes he was," Ladybug replied, urgently, "and if you don't give him medical attention now he's going to die!"

"Alright," the doctor said, as Ladybug set Adrien down on the bed. "We'll try to improve his health as soon as possible. You must leave the room and come back this afternoon."

Ladybug wiped another tear from her eyes as she climbed out of the window and swung away.

🐞 🐞🐞

Marinette paced around the room, with Tikki hovering beside her.

"I can't believe Chat Noir was Adrien, all this time?!" She whispered, and then came to a stop, sitting down on her bed. Tikki remained silent.

"Tikki?" Marinette asked. "Hello?"

The kwami said nothing, only staring down at the floor.

"Don't tell me you knew ..." Marinette murmured. "You knew all along? You knew that Adrien was Chat Noir?"

Tikki sighed, and looked up at her with big, blue eyes. "Yes, Marinette. I did know. But I didn't tell you for a reason. I couldn't let you know. I didn't think you were supposed to know."

"I can't believe it! You knew. And how did I not?" She said. "And he still doesn't know I'm Ladybug..."

"Maybe you should tell him," Tikki suggested.

"Tell him?! Well - I can't! Not yet, at least." she buried her face with her hands. "His blonde hair, his green eyes, how did I not know before? It's so strange though, Adrien is always calm, and cool, but Chat is the complete opposite." She nearly rolled her eyes at the thought of him.

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