9: The Return

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Tikki was normally a wise, comforting kwami with good advice. She was always loyal and sincere to Marinette, she was never cruel nor stern with her, only trying to make her feel better, and sharing the problems to fix them. But everyone makes mistakes. And so did she.

Marinette and Alya were sitting inside Marinette's room, watching more of the news, but Marinette wasn't paying attention. She was thinking about Tikki. What if Hawk Moth took her? If Hawk Moth has Tikki ... Then he could do anything to get my miraculous! She panicked inside, considering every worth case scenario and burying it under a pile of memories in her brain, hoping it would be long forgotten, but she couldn't stop thinking about Tikki.

Then suddenly, Tikki appeared and the door just when Alya turned around. Her eyes opened; her jaw dropped. 

She saw Tikki, hovering there. She saw Tikki. 

Marinette turned around to ask what the matter was, but Alya was so bewildered. Marinette suddenly saw what she was looking at, and nearly screamed.

"What are you?!" Marinette screamed, instantly devising a plan. Tikki, with her clever mind, latched on to what she was thinking and continued, as if she had no idea as to who Marinette was. Alya was flabberghasted. She had seen a floating red body with black spots and some antennae. Could her day get any stranger?

"I am in a dream ..." Tikki said, with a purposefully intended wobbly voice. Marinette wobbled in her chair, making the experience all the more dreamy, and Alya was so confused.

"I'm not ... Dreaming ..." Alya mumbled.

"Marinette! Click your fingers, quick! Then hold Alya's head!" Tikki yelled. Without understanding why, Marinette clicked her fingers and was instantly Ladybug. She had her mask, her ladybug suit, her yo-yo ... It was all instantly there. Bewildered, she quickly held Alya's head before she could see too much, and to her surprise, Alya dropped off, sound asleep.

Marinette felt a glow come off her as the ladybug costume slowly drifted away, purple sparks dispersing into the air. She crossed her arms. "Since when could you do that?"

"I always could. But I reserved it for emergencies only. It makes me very ... T-Tired..." She nearly fell to the floor but Marinette dived and cupped her hands, feeling Tikki, as light as a feather, drop into her open hands.

"Oh, Tikki. You don't know how much I missed you," Marinette mumbled, putting the tiny kwami to her chest. Then, setting her gently down on her desk, she went downstairs to search for some food in the fridge when her mother, Mrs Dupain-Cheng, looked up seriously.

"Marinette! How's Alya? Are you both okay? Paris is getting worse ... I just hope my precious daughter won't get hurt. The last thing I want is for you to become one of those animals," she whispered, her eyes becoming glassy. "Promise me you'll stay in your room. I won't let any harm come to you. Ladybug will come and save us, don't worry."

Marinette gave her mother a long hug, and smiled weakly. "Don't worry, me and Alya will be safe upstairs." She quickly grabbed some chocolate chip cookies from the fridge before hurrying back up the ladder and into the room, where she heard Alya's snores.

"Tikki," she whispered, and Tikki reluctantly opened one eye. "Tikki, I have some cookies. After you're done eating, I need to transform."

Tikki nodded and smiled, before quickly eating them. Feeling greatly restored, she flew up.

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette cried. Tikki swirled into Marinette's miraculous, her earrings, and then transformed. Opening the window, Ladybug leaped out and swung from building to building, to find Monsieur Vengeance, and end his treachery.


Marinette leapt onto her bed, exhausted from saving Paris. Alya had gone home, wondering why she was asleep and where Marinette was and what had happened

"Marinette," Tikki said, "you were wondering about where I was?"

"Yes, I was. I was going to ask you that but there was no time," she replied.

"Well, I need to show you something." Tikki flew up to eye level with Marinette. Then, with a 'clap' of her 'hands', the room seemed to grow cold and dark, but Marinette was no longer seeing her ordinary room. She was seeing ... People.

The ladybug miraculous, the power of luck.

There was a young woman, with a tiara-like decoration on her head. She had Marinette's earrings, and a long grey sash down her red and black spotted dress. She had a flowing headband, with red and black spots, and sea-blue eyes with a kind smile. Her gloves were grey and her hair was a light brown, almost blonde. She had a rope attached to her dress.

They were like images, that moved slightly, but had no effect on the real world. She was smiling, her dress was blowing, the wind playing with her hair. But she was gazing blankly out into the wide world, as if Marinette wasn't there.

Marinette took a step back. It was nothing like she'd ever seen before.

Suddenly, the girl turned to look at Marinette, and smiled. She held out a smooth, pale hand, and shaking, Marinette took it. They were no longer in her bedroom, but in a older civilisation. The girl was poor, and she was cold, sick and tired. It was winter; the trees were bare and snow fell across the streets. Young children happily played, with thick coats and bright red cheeks, but this girl was not happy. She barely had the proper clothes to help her survive.

Then, the poor girl saw a man, stumbling along the snow. His suddenly misplaced a foot, and slipped, sprawling along the snow. She quickly ran to his aid, holding out a hand and lifting him to his feet.

"Thank you," he smiled. He seemed Chinese, not too old, maybe about in his thirties, with black hair. It was strange to see him in Paris. He gave her a small, intricate chest. "I think you would find this useful," he continued. Leaving her confused, he walked down the snowy street.

Marinette, eyes opened wide, absent-mindedly sat down on her study chair. "Tikki ... Why didn't you show me this before?"

The poor girl was no longer herself, but a previous Ladybug, swinging from houses and buildings with her rope, patrolling the old streets of Paris and watching over her family.

Marinette closed her eyes and the images faded when she opened them again.

  🐞 🐞🐞 

Sorry for the really, really, really weird chapter because I had no idea what on earth I was writing. Blech. Really stupid ideas that I made up. I have no idea what to say on this chapter. This is horrible.

And I also apologise for the really late update, I didn't really know how to make this book better. :)

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