2: Excuses

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Marinette darted inside a building which just happened to be the Grand Paris Hotel. The students gathered in the main lobby, utterly confused. Chloé stood by the mayor, her father, with arms crossed a frown plastered across her face. "Urgh! Daddy! You were supposed to be helping us. Like, my new designer shoes are going to be vapourised if that stupid homeless man destroys my mansion. You'd better keep those shoes safe because if not I'm going to be very angry! And also, you do realise I have my most PRIZED possessions in there and I don't care what you do but you'd better keep them safe! Since you're the mayor you should always keep Paris safe but instead you just leave it all to Ladybug and Chat Noir, even though they are never on time with me. You know that time when I was about to be put in Kung Food's soup? I almost died there and they had the worst timing ever. And what were you doing? You were being a dumb slave like half the other people in the hotel!" She stormed away to complain to her 'best friend' Sabrina.

Meanwhile, Alya and Marinette were talking to each other. Surprisingly, Alya looked completely calm.

"Alya, you realise there's a guy ... Outside ... Destroying houses and turning people into 'zombies' ... You look really calm for that," Marinette said.

"Because I know Ladybug is coming to save, us, we've nothing to worry about!" She grinned.

 "Of course ... Ladybug ..." Marinette murmured. "Hey, Alya, I, uh, need to go up to speak with the mayor about something, could you just stay here and if anyone asks tell them I went to talk to someone."

"Marinette! Are you out of your mind? Speak with the mayor? He's not going to listen to someone like you!" She chuckled nervously. "Well I didn't mean it in that way ... I just meant ... You know ... He's the mayor!"

"Well I did make a cover for Jagged Stone's new album, and I made him sunglasses, so ... Hopefully he'll ... Uh ... Aaah! Gotta go! Just cover for me, yeah?" She scrambled up red-carpeted, intricate stairs and flung herself into one of the bathrooms. She unzipped her purse and Tikki flew out.

"I told you, Marinette. It wasn't that hard! You always managed to do it in the end." Tikki smiled.

"But ... Talk to the mayor? Seriously?" Marinette slapped her forehead.

"It doesn't matter now, Marinette! You have to save Paris!" Marinette nodded. "You're right. Tikki ... Spots on!"


Downstairs, Adrien ran his hand through his blonde hair while thinking about what to do. "Hey, Nino," he began, "I think I left my sketchbook outside."

"Dude," Nino replied, "it's dangerous out there! You might become a creepy soldier, you'd better stay here, where it's safer!"

"It's fine, if I can sneak past him!" Adrien suggested. "Trust me, I think I can take this one!"

"Yeah, but what about Miss Bustier standing near the doors? Man, I'm sorry, but you're sketchbook is gonna have to wait. You can get it later."

Chloé, after complaining to Sabrina, trotted over to Adrien and smirked nastily. "Hey, Adrikens," she said.

"Hey, Chloé," Adrien sighed. He was losing time, because of the nuisance. "Chloé, I was wondering if you could do me a favour?"

"Anything," she smirked.

"Well, uh ..." He desperately looked around, wishing at that moment he had Ladybug's Lucky Vision. "Do you mind talking to Miss Bustier and asking when the next maths test will be?"

Chloé snorted. "Of course, Adrikens," before walking away to Miss Bustier.

"Finally," Adrien sighed. "Anway, I'll go out the back! "Just - forget about me, I'll be okay ..." He nodded to Nino and then ran off. Nino shrugged.


Ladybug left through a small window, and then came in through the main entrance through the grand glass doors. She saw Alya, who looked relieved, and was holding up her phone to video Ladybug. "This is going to be the greatest video yet," Alya grinned, holding her phone steadily. "Perfect for my Ladyblog!" The class seemed to rejoice at the sight of Ladybug.

Homenemy stood fiercely outside the doors of the Hotel. "Come and get me," he teased. "No superhero can defeat me, no matter how powerful." 

"The poor homeless man," Ladybug muttered to herself. "He's been akumatised. Where are you, Chat Noir...?" She looked cautiously behind her, before running outside the hotel again.

"I'm going to make sure I get what I want, including your miraculouses!" Homenemy said. "You don't stand a chance against me and my soldiers!"

Ladybug smiled, trying to keep calm. What was talking Chat so long? "You'll never guess what plan I have in store for you today. You don't stand a chance against us."

"'Us'? Except where has your beloved Chat Noir gone to this time?" Homenemy cackled, raising his staff.

A voice appeared from above. "Sorry to miss out on you, my lady." Chat Noir dropped down from the roof of the hotel.

"What took you so long?" Ladybug groaned.

"We're not all purr-fect like you, Lovebug," Chat smirked. 

Ladybug rolled her eyes, for the fiftieth time. "Your puns are cat-astrophic," she replied.

"You're learning, my lady," Chat Noir grinned. Their gaze fell upon the man, and his army following his every step behind him.

"Let's do this," Ladybug said, her eyes narrowing and her body in a ready stance, yo-yo twirling. Together, they faced Homenemy, and his ever obedient soldiers behind him.

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