21: Flashbacks

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I'm calling Mrs. Agreste Maria. Because ... My friend says she was called that (I'm not sure about it though) and it's a nice name anyway.

Gabriel sat by the crackling fire, reading a newspaper, as Maria walked through the fancy doors. "Good morning," she grinned, tying up her robe. She planted a kiss on his forehead, and he looked up at her, beaming.

"How's little Adrien?" he asked.

"He's been crying a lot lately, the poor four year old," she sighed. "What's the news?"

Gabriel flipped the papers. "Ooh, Zorro and Peacock saved Paris from another deadly attack," he grinned.

(A/N Pfft, fox in Spanish)

"That's my man," she laughed. "Let me get Adrien - maybe you could cheer him up." She quickly tied up her hair in a ponytail, before she walked out of the warm room, her woolly slippers quietly hitting the floor.

Maria knelt down and picked up little Adrien, who was crying and sucking his thumb, tears welling up in his big green eyes. "There, there," Maria cooed, "Mommy's here." She rocked him in her arms and walked back into living room with the lit fireplace.

(A/N I had to make Adrien a bit older because of the picture frame in the hall, I wasn't exactly sure when his mother disappeared but ... Yeah ... I hope this is what four year olds do ...)

Gabriel put down his newspaper and reached out to hold Adrien. "Oh, you beautiful boy," he said gently. "You will grow up to be a great man, just you wait and see."

Adrien giggled as Gabriel wiped away the boy's tears with his thumb. "Daddy!" he said.

"Ah, you see? Cheering up already."

There was a sound of crashing glass from outside. Another jewelry store robbery. This was going to be easy.

"I'll put Adrien in his room, I'll meet you out there."

"Of course, my dear," Gabriel said, cracking his knuckles.

"Adrien, stay in your room, alright?" Maria put him back, locking him inside his room. "There are some cookies in the jar, and your action figures are on the window sill."

"Okay, Mommy," Adrien said. She shut the door and took a deep breath as she walked down the long corridor. A peacock kwami flew up into view, with antennae-like things coming out of her head, separating into raindrop-shaped glitter. She was blue, with green eyes and a peacock feather as a tail.

"Time to transform," Maria said. "Verro, feathers up!"

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Peacock had a mask that covered her eyes and a small peacock feather sticking out on each side of the mask. She had a long, turquoise suit and a flowing blue cape shaped like feathers. She had a golden fan to match with her golden hair.

(A/N Pretty sure the feminine version is peahen but peacock is much more understandable)

Then there was Zorro, with long fox ears and a bushy orange tail, tinged with a bright white. He had a flute packed into his black belt and an orange suit.

"Ready?" Zorro flashed a grin and they hurtled along the street, and skidded to a halt when they saw the robbers pulling out bags of money as the shopkeeper shivered in horror and fear.

"You three!" Peacock yelled, readying her fan.

The three robbers stared at her in a trance for a few seconds, which bought them time. They ran forward and she whipped her fan out, causing the robbers to stumble backwards at the powerful wind.

"Damn, she's beautiful," one of them said.

"Let's go already," the other said, although he couldn't really take her eyes off her. Peacock rolled forward and grabbed one by the arm, pulling him into Zorro's reach, where he grabbed hold of him and played a few notes on his flute.

The man fell backwards onto the pavement.

"He's - He's sleeping!" one of his team members said.

"Run for it!" the other cried, bolting along the street carrying their huge bags of money. Peacock and Zorro stood there and watched them run.

For about twenty metres before they came to a halt, panting. Peacock and Zorro walked over as the police came running into the scene.

"Your villians are caught," Peacock announced, bowing.

"Thank you, Peacock," the policeman said, placing handcuffs over the exhausted robbers. "You've saved us once again."

Peacock took Zorro's hand and they walked back to their mansion, where they detransformed and Maria went to look after Adrien. She pulled out the door key, unlocked the door, and then walked in, to find Adrien playing with a Peacock action figure.

"Hello, Adrien," she smiled, ruffling his light blonde hair.

"Hi, Mommy," he said. "Do you want to watch me play?"

"Of course, honey," she said, kneeling down to eye level with her son. "What are you playing?"

"Peacock against the evil robbers!" he giggled, holding up Peacock's action figure and a classic robber's action figure. "Boom!" He knocked Peacock's head onto the robber. "Ouch!" He moved the robber away. "Whoop! We have won! Now Paris is safe again!"

"That's my boy," Maria said, "you keep on playing, alright?"

"Yes, I will!"

Maria wiped away a few tears forming in her glassy eyes. "I love you, Adrien," she looked at the four year old playing happily with his toys. "I'll miss you ..." she got up and turned away.

Then she gave him one last look with her emerald green eyes.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, my dear. Just remember that I'll always love you."

"I love you too, Mommy," Adrien giggled. Maria saw her bright son for one last time.

Then she walked away.

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What did you think?? Did the Fox miraculous work on Gabriel ... :o I didn't really know what he should be. I made him the Peacock at first but I thought Maria was much better as the Peacock.

Thank you all for reading, still love you more than ever!


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