Luke's POV
I know something is up with Maddie, I could tell when we came to the dressing room after soundcheck last night. I just don't know what it is, I guess I'll find out soon enough. Right now, we're getting ready to go to an interview at Sirius XM. Well, when I say we're getting ready, I mean we're on our way.
We are in the van, trying to pass time. I'm sitting in the back with Michael next to me, and Calum next to him. Maddie is sitting in the middle seats with Ashton. I want to start a conversation with everyone, but it's too early for this shit. So, I'm just looking out of the window while trying not to fall back asleep.
We finally pull up into the station and get out, going in through the back so we can avoid fans. Don't get us wrong, we love our fans. They do so much for us and we can't thank them enough. Once we get inside, we all sit down and put on the headphones so we can do the interview.
"Good morning, everybody. Do we have a special treat for you today! We're here with none other then 5 Seconds of Summer! Hello boys," the radio host announces.
"Hi, we're 5 Seconds of Summer!" We all say in unison.
"So, I have some questions for you guys to answer if you'd like," the host says.
"Alright, let's do this," Ash replies
"Okay, so, this first question is for Madison," he says and looks at my sister. She goes wide eyed and nervously gulps before nodding hesitantly.
"And it reads: Did you honestly think you could escape that easily?" We look at her skeptical. I look at her and notice she has tears starting to form. She takes a deep breath before replying in a whisper.
"I don't want to answer that question. Please, don't make me answer that question," she takes another deep breath before answering again.
"Yes, I did think I could escape you that easily. I really did, Logan," As soon as I hear the dreaded name, I start fuming with rage and piped up.
"Mads, did you just say what I think you did?" I ask her. She lets the tears fall and nods slightly. She gets up and leaves the room, rapidly shaking.
"Excuse me a minute, please. I'll be right back," I say as I get up and follow Maddie out of the room. When I exit into the hallway, I spot her in a corner, crying with her head in her knees. I rush over and sit next to her, pulling her into my lap and stroking her hair to try and calm her down.
"Maddie, why didn't you tell me?" I ask, getting slightly choked up.
"Because I couldn't, Luke. I-I'm still processing the fact that he's back," she replies. I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes, rubbing her back.
"Hey, it'll be okay. After what you just did, we'll make sure he doesn't come anywhere near you. I promise," I reply to her. She nods and wipes away her tears, standing up and waiting for me. I stand up and we both walk back into the interview.
"Sorry about that. It was important I left," I say to the host when we come back. The guys look at Maddie and I with questioning looks. I'm going to need to explain what happened later.
"It's okay, I understand. If you don't mind me asking, what happened, exactly?" He asks. I look at Maddie and she closes her eyes, shaking her head.
"Okay, to start off, this isn't something I want to share on live radio. Second, this is kind of a personal issue," the host nods.
I looked at the guys and was met with their questioning expressions. I shook my head as a sign of "I'll tell you later," making them nod in response.
"Can we please move on with the interview?" I politely ask, not wanting the silence in the room to stick around. The host nods and we continue with what we were doing.
After the interview, we headed straight to the van to drive us back to the tour bus so we can leave on the road again. The whole ride consisted of silence. Nobody said anything the entire ride, which, I honestly couldn't blame them. Maddie sat next to me on the ride back, and Calum sitting next to her. She had her head resting on his shoulder, small tears gently falling from her eyes.
I quickly wiped them away and placed a hand on her knee, rubbing it for comfort. Calum looked at me with concern in his eyes, not only for me, but also for Maddie. I can tell he cares about her a lot, we all do. It's obvious that we're both upset. Especially her, since she's the one who went through this. She lightly smiled at me, then closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
We pulled up to the bus and I went to shake Maddie to wake her up, but Calum stopped me.
"No, I got her. Don't worry, Luke," He whispered, careful not to wake her up. I nodded and got out, walking into the bus.
Calum's POV
I told Luke that I would take care of Maddie so he wouldn't have to, since they both have had a tough day. As I looked down at Maddie leaning against me asleep, I couldn't help but smile. She was so beautiful, no matter what she was doing. The only thing that made my heart hurt, was when she cried. I hated seeing such a beautiful girl cry.
I stopped staring and gently shook her awake, smiling when I saw those beautiful brown eyes of hers. I dropped the whole "keeping my distance" card a while back and in this moment, I realized I really do like Maddie.
"Hey Maddie. We need to get on the bus so we can leave on the road again," I stated. She nodded and sat up, stretching and yawning a little bit.
"Thank you for waking me up, Cal," she replied. I nodded and let her get out first, then got out myself and walked to the bus with her. As soon as we arrived onto the bus, Ashton ordered us to the living room. I sighed and sat down on the couch, knowing what this means. He wants to talk about what happened at the interview, which, for once, I agree with him.
Luke, Michael and Maddie eventually made it to the living room and sat down.
"Okay. We're going to talk about what happened at the interview," Ash spoke. I knew it.
"Maddie, how did you know Logan was back?" Luke asked her.
"He saw me when I was outside the venue yesterday. He came over and started talking to me, then I ran off and went into the dressing room and he followed. And, before you ask how he got inside, he's one of your guys' bodyguard's sons," she replied.
"Logan Johnson, son of your bodyguard, Mike Johnson," she added in. "I didn't put two and two together until yesterday, mainly because Johnson is a popular last name and I didn't think about it. I did ask Mike if he had a son and he said yes and that he's my age. That's all he told me," she stated once more, then stopped.
"What did Logan do to you, Maddie?" I ask her, worry filling my voice. She looked at me and bit her lip, then gulped nervously.
"Uhm, let's just say he didn't know how to treat me," she started, "he used to abuse me, guys. It didn't even start of that way, but it didn't take long for that side of him to me an appearance. I never did anything to him," she finished, whispering loud for all of us to hear.
We all sat there shocked and completely frozen, then I spoke up. "Well, he's not going to get near you ever again. I'm putting a stop to this," I replied before pulling out my phone and walking into the bedroom, shutting the door.
Hey, my lovelies! Here's chapter nine! Sorry it took me FOREVER to update. This is really just a filler chapter, but it'll work, I guess. Ooooh, what do you think Calum is going to do? Leave your guesses in the comments, I would love to see what you all think. Also, leave comments if you like this story so far, it'll REALLY help out a lot. I have SLFL next Thursday and I can't be more excited. I love you all so, so much. Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting.
QOTC: Favorite type of cereal?
AOTC: Honey Nut Cheerios
~Maddie 💕

Invisible (C.T.H)
FanfictionMadison Hemmings; She's the twin sister of 5 Seconds of Summer's lead singer, Luke Hemmings. She's never been the outgoing type, usually staying home and spending her time drawing or listening to music while Luke and their friends go out. When Luke...