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A/N : before you start reading here are the charters more to come in the future.

Justin Bieber as Jason McCann
Ariana grande as herself
Zayn Malik as him self
Taylor Lautner as Chad Parker
Ethan dolan as Ethan Hunter
Liam Hemsworth as Josh Clark
Grayson Dolan as Grayson Hunter
Gigi Hadid as Katie Jordan

Justin Bieber as Jason McCann Ariana grande as herself Zayn Malik as him self Taylor Lautner as Chad ParkerEthan dolan as Ethan Hunter Liam Hemsworth as Josh ClarkGrayson Dolan as Grayson HunterGigi Hadid   as Katie Jordan

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Jason pov-

Its been nearly about 2 hours since i finally had Ariana as mine ,ariana is still asleep due to giving a tracker in her wrist which is meant to give Ariana to sleep another 1 hours until she wakes up.

The boys are sleeping while I'm driving the truck , turning right to the supermarket , yeah we have to go and get it doesnt get delivered by another gang member.Getting out of the truck shutting the drivers door heading to the back of the truck unlocking the door that my beautiful Ariana is doing .I open the door seeing Ariana fully awake trying to get free she stop what she was doing in fear baby scared poor girl.... I like it . I honestly thought she was stronger than this oh well .Walking up to her she tires to move back but doesnt work.

"How was you sleep sweetheart ?" I say
No reply

"Answer me !"i yell slightly without waking the boys up

"G-good until you came in dxck ass ." she proudly says slapping her in the face seeing her face move to the left then looks back at me angry.

"Rule one answer me back when i asks you and rule two don't be smart . You're coming with me to get some food." I say while untiling her

"I wanna stay here so i don't get to see you" she mumbles

"What you say " i say angrily seeing the fear in her eyes she doesn't say anything and looks away , grabbing the chain key and unlocking her . I grab a the handcuffs out of my pocket and one part on her right wrist and other one mine .

"Why handcuffs " ariana askes

"So you won't leave me"i say feeling asmirk on my face i continue

"Got some rules , 1# call me Justin when we are out in public 2# you need to wear a hoodie otherwise people willrecognise you which your lucky to have on , don't scream ,do not be rude , you listen to me , if you want something ask me and its not letting you go .if you break it its ur worse nightmare .got it "

"You know you mean three ,four ,five,six ... and so on plus im not coming ." she say

"Well baby do you want a punishment ?" I ask

"N-no " what is with her shuttering.

"Then follow those rules " pick her up with one hand getting out of the back of the truck.

We get inside the supermarket some weird name called Yasser's I know we have strange names for supermarkets grabbing a trolly with one hand while holding Ariana's. i feel her hand breaking the hold gripping on her hand tighter so she won't show the cuffs or leave me

We look around aisle to aisle finding food that we need at my gangs home or should I say where my baby and I are living .

I look to my right seeing Ariana trying to break the chains off pulling her into me and whisper
"You do that again your getting punished ." Smiling at her then grabbing some eggs then putting them into the cart

"Come on lets get these grocery payed for " I say holding her hand and start walking with the trolly to the counter.

After paying we walk out of the supermarket and head to the truck I felt myself be stopped turning around seeing Ariana staring at someone looking where she was looking seeing her dad .

"DAD ! " she shouted I quickly lifted her up covering her mouth I can hear her muffling and a tear coming down on my hand .Getting into the back of the truck I take off my handcuff and connect them to her other hand grabbing a needle and putting it into her shoulder

"DA-" ways the only thing she said before falling into a deep sleep .

Quickly chucking the groceries into the truck and shutting the door then getting into the driver seat and speeding off .

Looking into the rear view mirror seeing chad waking up

"Awww ......JASON SLOW DOWN !" Chad shouted making everyone wake up

"Ariana shouted for her dad thats why ." I said tightening my grip onto the wheel.

"SHE WHAT ! how did the fxck did she get out" Grayson says

"I got her out we got some stuff from the supermarket and then she saw her dad -" I explain trailing off

"YOUR ARE A IDIOT ! Your sooo lucky that he hasn't followed And seen who you are ." Josh says , I just roll my eyes turning right into the unknown street that we live .

Getting out of the truck seeing the lights are on must be Ethan back with Zayn . heading to the back unlocking the door the guys grab the groceries while i unlock Ariana and lift her up bridle style .

"WERE BACK HOME AT LAST ! " chad says falling onto the couch . Hearing foot step coming from the stairs seeing Ethan and Zayn

"Why did you guys take so long to get home ?" Ethan asked everyone pointed to me then Zayn and Ethan go and look at then see my queen Ari

"Is this the chick you kept talking about on Skype " Zayn asked I nod yeah Zayn is my best friend since primary.

"Awe my boy so grown up " Zayn say

"Stop acting like my mum when she was around " I say thinking of the thoughts of her. when I was 11 and when i wasn't a bad person she was my everything and who support me through thing my dad told my mum about the gang and she left after that i have no clue where my mum is now .

"Im going to go to sleep see you guys in the morning" I say

"And take her to the basement and chain her twice." I say to josh seeing him confused while taking Ariana

"She punished, okay just put her in there ." I say chucking the keys to him the head up stair

She will regret treating me like that in the morning .

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