thirty- eight

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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

"You know that I'm still confused right?" I say looking up at him

"I don't know what you should be confused about though ?" He says

"You move to a different gang leaving your best friends behind even your brother , you told me we going to the airport ,we changed ourself over and all , everyone knows who you are jay how the hell are you gonna hide yourself here." I say seeing him look at me seeing his like white dot fade away

"My brother is here cause my dad didn't know he is around , I told you that we going on a plane because my dad has cameras and if I say that were going they will follow and by follow the people who 'became us ' , not everyone just my dad gang knows about me , " he says while getting up to put his jacket on

"What happens if they using you." I ask seeing him pull up his hood

"There not , im promising you that ." He say

"Maybe they lying you don't even know." I say

"Can you shut up " he says making me stop and look down at my fingers .

"I just want to know cause I was forced into this ." I whisper

"They were the first people I was in a gang with , they got kick out cause of a major thing that started the hole my dad hates your dad thing , so we got kick out of the gang with no warning as for me my punishment was never seeing  them and suffering with burns and cuts until I was able to go back into the gang ok , " he says

"Maybe they changed to use information about your dad like you did with me  ." I say making him glare at me like a snake ready to bite .

"I did it to help protect you and get my brother back okay ." He hisses

"There no point in helping me cause i an dead jason." I say seeing him turn walking to the bed

"What you say ?" He whispers hissing like scaring a cat away making me more back

"J-jason please just stop letting me hang on you wouldn't have any trouble if i just -" feeling his lips connect onto mine , feeling the love and passion, kissing him back , I wrap my hands around his neck pulling us back to make me lay flat on the bed. His hands moves up from my thighs to my hips feeling his thumbs rub back and forth against my stomach feeling a heat wave of warmth form all the way to my skin .

"I love you okay , just trust me with this  okay ." He says against my lips resting our forehead together.


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