Fifty eight

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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

Jason watched me for 4 years , everywhere

Jason brain washed me

Jason abused me with not knowing 70% of the stuff that happened

Jason is a killer

Jason thinks harry  is dead

Harry survived from a fire that Jason  made

Harry and Jason used to be best friends

Harry is protecting me from Jason

Jason is heading is at my dad house now

"You okay?" I hear making me look to see harry staring at me then back at the road

Not saying any I see a car behind us in the rear view mirror

"Um harry " I whisper seeing him look at the rear view seeing him smile

"That's actually our car ," he says making me raise an eye

"When I tell you to get out you run to that other car okay ? " he says looking at the light that keep ticking every 15 seconds .

"Now !" He shouts making me quick undo my seat belt and open the door running to the car seeing harry opening the boot grab a suit case out while the other people run to the car we were just in . Quickly i get into the driver seat and turn onto drives driving next door to harry seeing harry stare at me while getting in I see that car speed up a lot , seeing harry shut the door I speed up then slow down seeing the light flick again

"Princess do you even know how to drive ?" He asks making me nod my head

"Does twice count being on 3 hour drive once with out crashing " I say seeing him stare at me while I drive

"Why did we have to leave that car ." I ask seeing him look back at the road

"We arrived at your dads in that car ,to kept us safe every 15 second these camera in those tree get a new picture so they can do it as and stop motion thing , so now they follow that car and we can be fine in this one ." He says

"Your need to turn at the next exit " he says

"So where are they going?" I asks

"To this hotel 5 hours away from where we are." He say while I turn to the exit

"Slow down a bit." He says making me push the brake making us slow down

"Turn in here." He says

"A diner?" I ask seeing him nod

"Don't you want food ." He asks making me nod

"Then we're getting food. " he says open his side while I take the keys out of the car .
Hearing a door open I look to my door seeing him holding the door open for me .

"You didn't-"

"I'm doing something nice , just come , I'm hungry , didn't even have my tea ." He says making me laugh while getting out .

"Tea is such a British thing." I says seeing him roll his eyes .  Walking in seeing this retro dinner kinda like baby driver and Pop's from Riverdale combined into one .

"I need to go to the bathroom ." I whisper looking at him seeing him already looking down at me .

"I'll be in a booth near the  dux box ." He whisper back making me nod . Walking up to the counter while he sits I see a lady already staring at me

"Where the bathroom by any chance?" I question

"Down the hall and turn right ." She says smile at me nodding and quickly fast walking i head into the bathroom  finally looking at myself seeing how pale I look and blood shot eyes , i hardly look presentable, quickly pulling the hair tie out seeing my now blonde hair looks smooth and shinny , why didn't I dye it when I was told by my mother I was allowed.  Taking a deep breath in and out I walk out of the bath pulling a the sleeves of the jacket knowing it is already long enough . Seeing harry reading the menu I leaning against the booth I look at the window seeing the night sky already turning dark

"Can I sit?" I ask seeing him look up at me wide eyes

"I already know I can , but um wanna be polite ." I say looking down at my hands

"Yeah , definitely." He say making me look up eyes still wide

"You okay." I ask while sitting down seeing him shake his and looks at me

"Yeah , yeah ... here." He says passing me a menu. Thanking him I start looking at it

"Wow" i hear a whisper making up looking at harry who is staring at him

"You heard that ?" He asks making me nod  seeing his cheeks go slightly red

"Your father was right." He says making me raise an eye

"About what?" I asks 

"That I -"

"Hello I'm Amy your waitress what can I get you two?" She asks cutting harry off , seeing harry telling me to go first

"Can I get a hamburger please." I say

"And for you sir." She asks

"The same thanks," he says and the waiters nods and leaves

"As you were saying" i says only for him to shake his head

"Its nothing." He says

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