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(Haven't had Jason pov in a while ) Jason pov -

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(Haven't had Jason pov in a while )
Jason pov -

Looking down at Ariana sleep , helpless body laying against my chest while i play with her messy straight hair ... she so adorable . Moving my body off her with out waking her up . I head down stairs seeing the boys playing some card game.

"Dude you didn't win ... bro Andrew did " I hear Mason say seeing Zac throw his cards at Mason

"The fxck Zac" mason shouts

"Guys shut up come on " i say seeing a clear view of them mason , andrew , alex , and zac all around a table play what looks like red high

" you tell them bro " i hear making me turn around seeing Brandon our boss and leader of this group looking at them then me

"Come on Wolf is not our boss you are idiot" Zac says while Alex shuffles the cards

"You play little bud ?" Alex asks making me roll my eyes .

"One game , then im going back up ." I say

"Is wolf mating tonight ?" Andrew asks

"No dumb idiot." I say sitting down taking a sip of my beer .

" come on you did that every night  where's the wolf I know ?" Mason asks

"I don't think my girlfriend would want to be fxck when she doesn't want it and feeling ill ." I say

"How long you been ?" Bardon asks

"Couple of months." I say placing my drink on the ground

"We playing with money or-" i asks only being stopped by Brandon showing a one hundred

"What we starting off as ." Alex says realising he's the dealer

"All of us place two hundred." Brandon says making me roll my eyes

"Fair enough." I say taking my cash out of my pocket and put 200 down like everyone else seeing my brother start passing the cards .

" Wolf  why did it take so long to get out ?" Zac asks taking a look at his cards

"Getting Alex out of shit hole , the problems with ariana and big job worth money so why not ." I say shrugging take a look at my cards seeing a have something good. Looking at andrew seeing an annoyed look from him

"You ok Drew ?" I asks seeing him look up

"Yeah , yeah just knowing that I will win ." He says smirking

"Okay if you wanna draw a card its 100 you get three cards but only can choose one, got it ." Alex says seeing them nod while I take a sip of beer.

"You seem relax wolf." I hear mason says

"Always am ." I say watching alex place down three cards hidden from all of us expect i already know what they are three of heart , six of clubs , and 7 of diamonds.

"250" I hear Brandon say seeing him place it down making mason also pay 250 or not do anything more keeping his money which makes him not play , mason places down his 250

" draw I have crap cards ." He says pacing down 100 picking up Six of clubs alex removes all of it and puts a new three down which one of them I need to win Ace of Hearts

"I have crap cards aswell ." I say placing 100 and picking up the Ace of Hearts .

"Easy game I won ." Mason says placing down all face cards of clubs and Ace  seeing him trying to collect the money

"Anyone higher." Alex asks placing my cards down smirking at mason

"You dxck " he shouts getting out of his set

"Come on mason don't be a sore loser ." I say collect the money is now mine seeing mason slam the door shut.

"I think that's enough for today " alex says taking all the cards in.

"Jason ?" I hear a soft husky voice say making me turn around seeing ariana

"Baby you should be sleeping ." I say walking towards her

"I was, until my dream twisted upside down ." She whispers playing with her fingers

"You been crying ?" I ask seeing her blood shot , puffy eyes .

"No .just tired." She say wiping her eyes with her thumbs knowing that she was crying I leave the conversation as that .

"Come on we heading back to bed ." I say lifting her up as we walk to our room .

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