Fifty three

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A/n : i had to update the names and all in chapter 4 ( it used to be harry now it zayn ) and chapter some thing 50 so it can work with harry

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A/n : i had to update the names and all in chapter 4 ( it used to be harry now it zayn ) and chapter some thing 50 so it can work with harry .

Ariana pov-
Looking back around seeing Dr.Smith flat on the floor covered in his own blood bullet into his heart

"I told you to turn around , not to look ." He hisses grabbing onto my fore arm

"I was in a uncomfortable position ." I whisper feeling my heart rate quicken .

"the daughter of a serial killer criminal scared?" He asks making my eyes water through his tight grip

"No," i says only for him to come closer and put his lips cent meters away from my ear

"Then why is your heart rate beating fast and your eyes looks like your about to cry." He asks feeling his hot breath blow into my ear making me pull away seeing his green eyes turn dark brown .

"Love just so you know , I'm not like Jason." He adds then walks away

"Your getting cleaned , I see you at dinner, at 6pm sharp , not late ," he says about to close the door .

"What do you mean by cleaned ." He stops and looks at me seeing his lips turn into a smirk and shut the door .

Jason pov -

"Where's Brandon." I asks

"In his office." Andrew says making me push pass Andrew and run to his office

"I don't have time Wolf." Brandon says once I step foot in his office

"Kings have got her." I says seeing his eyes look up at me

"The kings are a hidden gang, no trace or location to see them. Could takes months to find them," Brandon explains .

"We don't have months ." I shout

"Jason , Kings are slit up into section the last time I checked there was 4 there could be more sections then we know. If you know who mite have taken her or wanted revenge on you , it will be more easier to track down but mite take 12 weeks to find a full location." He says

"Do some thinking , sleep on it ,then report back if you got a clue ." Brandon says

"I cannot sleep on knowing that those kings have her they could be brain washing her , turn her into those-"

"Jason just go to sleep , we will find her , I promise."

Ariana pov -

5:55pm whatever day I am in , by cleaning was being waxed everywhere and I mean every where , blonde hair but my roots are still brown , nails , basically everything been done so I can look presentable and "clean" , I got out of that chained bed after 3 hours of him leaving , my wrist already bruised not so much my ankles .
The body left with guards , blood from the floor cleaned by the people who did my hair . There was no talking , just silence.

Right now I'm waiting in this bloody basement looking at the red stain on the concrete floor. There would have been half of the blood would have been mine in that basement of Jason's.

Jason, some one who been crossing my mind for the whole time I've been here. I wonder If he will come looking for me , or was I some stupid toy of his ? ,

Hearing the door slam open making me quickly turn around to see 4 guards stare at me

"The King waiting for you." One of the guards says making me slowly drop down from the hospital bed and walk over to them

"Hurry up we don't have all day." He adds making me pick up my pace .

"Sorry sir" I whisper only to pushed up the stairs nearly tripping up .

"Hey watch it he will chop our heads in front of each other if she doesn't come in one peace ." another guys hisses at the other three stare at me making me look down .

"We're here." He says making me stop and look up .seeing we're outside in front of a glass door .

"Go in, or we will make you go in." I hear behind me making me quickly walk in only to hear the door shut and lock

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