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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

"This is about Jason?" I ask seeing harry nod while I sit down seeing harry sit next to me and my dad moves to the screen on the wall

"We want you to find out the truth , about what he did to you and me." He says already seeing both men uncomfortable and frighten. seeing my dad press a button seeing the tape roll
November 11 2017

"she won't stop leaving." Jason says seeing Ethan and Grayson look at Jason .
"Its not her fault she with a guy who abused her " Grayson mumbles
"Then how the hell am I meant to stop her from leaving" Jason says 
"Erase her memory of her put the bad so she never goes and leaves ," Ethan says
Seeing Jason smirk and walks away out of his office .

Seeing the tape finished. i look at my dad
"Who is he talking about" I ask
seeing my dad look at harry then me
"You Ariana  , He brainwashed you" he says chucking me a file open it seeing me asleep in a hospital bed , reading the medications, injection and all in it making me look at my dad
"When was this ?" I asks
"The night you were taken away again, you had a knife put into you and they fix that while adding those 10 things into you so you can forget about leaving , your family and friends. The other times he abused you. He only kept 10% of your whole life." He says 

"Is that it or there more you wanna show me." I say passing back the files

"There one other thing ." Harry says making me stare at him  then back at the screen

April 22 2013

"You sure you wanna do this kid?" Seeing a guy around his 20's my and a guy about my father age

"His family should burn in hell .dad I want to see his father stuffer and die from what he gonna see." The the young guy says

"Jason?" I whisper turning to see harry looking me and nods .

Hearing a banging noise from the tv making me look up seeing two guys hold tight against this guy head covered with a plastic bag and arms tied with chains . The guys with the plastic bags goes and sits down on the chair  in-front of him is a camera seeing the guy get reviled seeing him look down spitting  what looks like blood .

"I cannot believe you , my own best friend goes behind my back " Jason  says making the guy stare at him

"What are you talking about" he asks hearing a British answer in his voice  making me look at harry seeing him look at me with full worry

"Everyone leave" Jason says making look back at the screen seeing the everyone leave then a screen cut off from the out view to see the guys face looking exactly like harry , bloody , and bruised .

"Why is there a camera ?" Harry asks

"You will find out later all I want is why?" Jason asks

"Jason I seriously don't know what your -"

"You went to the father of the girl I had feeling for about me about those camera's in her house." Jason hisses

"You looking at a 13 year old girl , hid cameras in her house thats just wrong , Her dad should know , and should know the truth about you and your family ." Harry says

"You have this obsession over her when it's illegal." Harry adds hearing laughter in the back ground

"And being a criminal being in a gang is not illegal? I don't play by the rules Harry Edward Styles." He says

"your lovely mother are gonna watch you die , this is what you get for telling  Billy what I am doing." He adds seeing harry follow the movements of Jason .

"Your sick , burn in hell." Harry says m

"And that what i am exactly gonna do to you." Jason says and the video cuts off

Staring at harry , i see harry just stare at me .

"How did you survive." I ask seeing him look down

"These a door thats takes you into the woods of there place." He says making me sallow the lump in my throat

"He thinks your dead ?" I asks

"Yeah." He whispers looking up at me

"And he was looking at me for 4 years." I asks seeing my dad nod

"As his what." I asks

"Escape." Harry says

"Your mother died a week after." He says

"I feel sick " i say seeing dad looks like his in two

"Ariana ! Hey! Stay with me." Harry says only to hear muffling only to pass out in someones arms

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