Fifty seven

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Harry pov-

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Harry pov-

"We shouldn't have told her ," i says holding Ariana hand and her dad sitting down the opposite side of her bed looking at Ariana's passed out body 3 hours she been out for

"She needed to know , Harry I cannot let my daughter think everything fine being in a relationship ship with a 25 year old male who is abusive and a deadly man " he says

"But ain't you?" I ask

"Not like Jason ,Harry" he hisses making me look down at Ariana.

"Why did you tell me ." He asks

"It was wrong, her being 13 , Jason 21, spying on a girl ,everywhere , and knowing he had a room full of tvs about it , I couldn't stand it ." I says

"You sacrifice your life for my own family." He says making me look up at him

"I still don't know how I reply you. By Telling me , then finding her , and now protecting her ." He adds

"You help my dad , with medical bills , I didn't have to go behind my mothers back anymore." I say

"The last time I talk to your dad he knew he only had  a week to live , he didn't know if you were ready to be the leader of your dad gang , what I said to him was , harry is ready, he wants to protect everyone and everything , he trains 24/7 no stop , he was born to be in that gang, A leader ." He says looking around the room seeing posters, records , anything a teenager would have

"How's your Mum?" He asks

"She alright , stills cries every night about dad , I try and swing by once a week to see her . She getting Lonely." I says while playing with Ariana's  fingers

"You like my daughter don't you?" He asks making me stare at him

"What?" I ask seeing him lye back in his chair

"Your looking at her like I looked at my wife everyday when she was alive ." He says making me raise an eye

"You see her like you won a golden prize full of love and joy that you can keep forever." He adds

"did you take her in and then you guys became a thing ?" I ask

"Im not like that , kidnapping them into a relationship no go for me , I meet my wife at this diner she used to work there as a  waitress , Still open , I was sitting down at the left hand side where the dux box was , I did some business at the time , she must of went to the bathroom when I arrived and when She came out ,she was the perfect , she got told to take my order, I got so nervous I took the kids menu out , and the exact first thing she said to me was "Your reading the kids menu sir , but if you want something from that Its totally okay ." I can still picture her cheeks full red of how nervous she was ," he says

"Do you miss her." I asks seeing him nod

"A lot , even though we didn't make Ariana she has the personality of her mother , that tattoo on her neck is for her mother , my wife , I haven't told Ariana  this , but when her father died , she got a small moon on her ankle." He says 

Feeling my hand being squeezed i look down seeing Ariana's  eyes slowly jolt up staring at me

"Hey you feeling okay?" I ask

"Yeah ,how long was I out ."  She says

"Nearly 4 hours ." Her dad says making her look at him

"We gonna crash at a hotel tonight , I don't think your well enough to be in a car for another 5 hours ." I say

"Why can't we stay here ." She asks

"Jason could take you and do god what to you." Her dad says making her already look really uncomfortable

"Being here is a dangerous game to play if we stay." I says seeing her slowly get up.

"Okay" she whisper staring in my eyes .

"Okay" I whisper back seeing her smile .

"Billy can you give me that address to that place ." I asks seeing him nod

"I'll be back ." He says

"What address?" She asks

"Somewhere we can eat ." I say

"Did Jason really did that stuff to me and you?" She asks

"You want proof ." I asks seeing her nod

"You mite have to let go of my hand." I say seeing her slightly blush and lets go of my hand , pulling my t-shirt off me I feel her hand already touching the after math of the fire . Fully taking my shirt off seeing her eyes already glossy .

"Don't go up any more." I say making her look at me

"Why?" She asks

"The pain starts ." I say

"How come I didn't she it this morning?" She question

"You had your eyes closed or just looking at my face ." I say

"So this is what Jason did ." She whispers.

"Yeah , Im sorry Ariana." I says

"I should be the one that is saying sorry " She whispers

"Ariana-" I get cut off by the door open making me quickly put my shirt back on and her taking her hand off my burn

"They're coming you better leave now ." Billy says passing me the piece of paper and a letter .

"Read it tonight , do not show Ariana" he lips reads making me nod .

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