Fourty six

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Jason pov- Groaning at the moving object around my hand I half open my eyes revealing ariana awake still in The wires and oxygen mask on , trying to take it off

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Jason pov-
Groaning at the moving object around my hand I half open my eyes revealing ariana awake still in The wires and oxygen mask on , trying to take it off .

"Kitten leave it on until Nathan gets here." I say seeing her move her hands back down and looks at me seeing her eyes red and puffy. Not asking her about it I run my fingers threw her hair . Seeing her slip a single tear out of her left eye , glossy, looks so beautiful but really has a story behind it .

"You passed out in the gym." I say breaking the silents seeing her look at me with pure blankness , wrapping memories together in her brain , but not finding a full connection.

"I came when I heard a scream and rushed you here." I say rubbing my thumb against her forehead.

"It's wasn't fair the way I acted last night , Every since I was 12 I have had anger management problems , effected by the way I wanted things , or loves ones. My problem shouldn't be an excuse of how I acted . I am sorry again , I love you Ariana....always." I say feeling her hand tighten the grip of our hands .

Hearing a knock at the door I turn my head towards it seeing Nathan.

"Hey im just hear to tell you that Ariana one hundred percent stable and okay to take off everything now. " he says

"Thanks bro ," I say seeing him smile and walks over and takes everything off her. Seeing her take a big breath in and out until she is back to her normal state.

"stay in here for five then you can go, Ill be in my room if you want me." he says and leaves again.

" I-I saw my parents in there." she says making me look at her.

"birth parents?" I ask seeing her nod

" i-i saw myself in blood , attached to wires , oxygen mask , I was pale ... I could of died , I was going to die , why didn't I ." she says looking at me , standing up out of my seat and hold her buy the shoulders

" why are you saying this?" I asks seeing her look down.

" cause no one loved me , no one I was a complete mistake to them ." she says then looks up at me .

" that is in the past Ariana , they aren't going to hurt you again, no one will. Ariana just focus on this right now not the past , there lost they didn't see your beauty , cause I did I've seen all of it sad and happiest times." I say moving my right hand off her left shoulder and put it against her chin.

"Don't let them ruin you my little dangerous woman ." I say and plant a kiss on her lips.

Everyday ;jariana (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now