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Next dayAriana pov

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Next day
Ariana pov.

Waking up to loud banging what sounds like pans whacking together

Hearing groans from jason I feel the cover turn making me look down see him looking at me

"Babe don't worry about it go back to sleep , it just training wake up call" he whisper looking at the clock seeing the time

"Four in the morning ." I ask

"Yeah , different I know, kitten just fall asleep." He says getting out of bed to take some training clothes.

"I wanna see what it is like ." I say seeing him turn around looking at me .

"No your not ." He says sternly

"Why? Jason one time please" I plead

"Training is extreme and dangerous." He says

"I can do it." I say

"Even though your my sweet ,perious , little dangerous woman .....your not doing it." He whisper in my ear planting a wet kiss on my earlobe then my lips

"Please ." I whisper

"I'll be back at seven ." He says and leaves the room

"Ugh" I groan getting up I look into the closest seeing well new clothes that I have never seen before searching around I find all black suit .

Takening my pj off and old underwear i get on some new ones and the training suit grabbing my runners I head down stairs

"Miss. Ariana Grande I see your not listening to wolf request" i making me turn to my left seeing some guy dressed in this sort of fabric .

"I make my own decisions, and who is wolf ." I ask the guys

"Your boyfriend, he not going to be happy when u come in  to train ." He says

"How do you know ." I ask

"Im the leader of this gang and wolf is second in charge." He says making me nod

"Ariana what you doing ?" I hear a formilia voice ....alex

"Here to train ." I say still looking into the leader eyes

"You can't ." Alex says

"Don't be like Ja.... Wolf   please ." I whined turning to face him

"She will train with me .... privately." I hear the leader say

"If you lay one mark on her your dead ." I hear Alex say and leaves

"I have information about you dad ." The leader say while walking into the training room .

"What about him." I ask climbing up the steps to the high level so no one see me .

"Your father thinks your dead basically making a war with jason's dad gang ." He says while I wipe away a tear I had falling down I head into the room .

"Have you ever been able to fight or do missions?" He ask

"No sir ." I whisper

"What your strongest area." He asks

"Knifes ." I say

"You need to  ace into the heart ." He says making me pick up a knife  looking at it

"There not sharp ." I whisper then look at the target while spinning the knife in my hands I chuck the knife into the aiming into the heart .

"Put the blindfold on." He demands

"What is this meant to do with throwing knifes." He rolls his eyes making me put on the blindfold .

"Take the knife on the table and aim it into the heart ." He says feeling the metal connects with my hand

"What happens if I."

"Just do it." He says cutting me off I throw the knife hearing a loud bang i lift up the blind fold seeing the knife in the heart .

"I did it !" I shout then cover my mouth realising I was too loud .

"Better than I thought ." He says he puts his water bottle on top of a kicking dummy then looks at me

"Kick  the dummy then the water." He says

"The water will..."

"The whole point of being focused in a fight" he says

I click  the dummy seeing the water go high making me do a high kick hitting the water landing in the leader hands .

"Why haven't you never been in battle." He asks

"People protecting me I guess." I say

"We do something difficult next time ." He says while walking over to the view of the boys

"Have you ever seen wolf doing training." He asks

"No sir." I whisper he walks over to some sort of mic

"Wolf death trap." He says into the mic

"Whats a death trap ." I ask while he moves away from the mic .

"Different types of events that could eventually happen to us there also a time limit your last record you have to bet." He says popping up a screen to show the area of "death trap"

"Jason one minutes nine seconds best in are whole gang , but I think you can bet him ." He says

"There no way , I don't even have the knowledge." I say

"That where we practice." He say then buzzer goes off seeing the screen of jason starts moving into the maze .

"I think you need to go back to bed wolf will come back after he done this."he says making me nod and run off into jason and I's room

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