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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

"GET OUT !" i hear someone in the mask shout at harry seeing him raise his hands up in surrender and gets out of the car while i feel a gun against my back pushing me forward sallow the lump in my throat and start walking directed to the middle of the road next to harry .

"Move " i hear feeling the gun move away from my back and harry's leaving a the tall figure I thought I loved standing 10 meters away from us
"How the hell did you survive that fire ?" Jason asks harry while harry puts his hands down

"You left the door open on your way out " harry says smirking

"And I though you were my best friends ." Jason says walking closer

"When you started watching Ariana it ended ." He hisses at Jason

"You my dear what has this man done to you"  Jason whisper feeling his hand touch my face 

"Told me your dirty lies and the truth about you , asshole ." I hiss

"You being very rude to your boyfriend." He whisper 

"Your not my boyfriend." I hiss

"What do you want McCann." Harry asks

"Her back home and you dead." Jason says making me near harry away from Jason

"No!" I say

"Excuse me?" He asks

"You just want me for that usb , like your father does , you killed my mother and now father , and you brain washed me, watch me. You dirty sum bag ." I say only to be pulled away from harry and drag along by Jason .
"Kill him ." He shout biting his hand he breaks the grip off my hand and i run ,  I front of him seeing the guy is holding  the gun

"Stop please! Why kill some that has no reason to be killed , he doesn't have the usb , its gone and burned , my father died what important about it anymore." I shout feeling tears run down my face .

" he needs to pay for taking you , ruining what we have ." Jason says

"He didn't ruin anything, he told me the truth , that all that matt- ." Hearing a gun shot i feel my body feel limp i turn to see harry wide eyes

"I don't feel so good." I whisper only to fall onto him .

"You're okay you're okay ." He whisper hold his hand against the hole in my skin resting me down on the ground


"I don't wanna go" I repeat
"You won't okay your sta-" he was about only to hearing a bang again
No bullet on me but harry feel his hand away from my wound he fall down next to me

"Harry?" I whisper only to feel his hand against mine my blood from his hands now on mine own . Hearing him groan in pain

"Ariana I love you and Im so sorry." He whispers out  until I hear police car noise then everything turn white

"Ariana , this way" i hear turning to my left seeing harry running to him I hug him feeling him hug me back .

"You okay ?" He asks making me nod he grabs mine hand with now no blood and no bullet wounds .

"Our parents are waiting for us  ." He says

"Wait my mum here and your dad?" I asks seeing him nod

"Don't forgot your dad and my mother." He whisper  making me smile i quickly start running .

"What that rush for ?" Harry chuckles making me turn around and smile

"Get to be in a peaceful world with out gangs anymore turn everyday around" i says seeing him smile both our start running in to the light reviling a new life in heaven .


I am sad to says this is the end of everyday a book 3 years to try and figure how the hell am I gonna write

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Thank you for supporting me

My Instagram is @gxldari_arts if you wanna find me

I'll keep u guys updated if there any new books im gonna to realise

Thank you

This has been one hell of a ride

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