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  A/n :   rihanna as Brooklyn adams     nicki minaj  as  Samantha George     Demi Lovato  as Zoey andrews  Katy perry as Ella Sanders

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A/n : rihanna as Brooklyn adams
nicki minaj as Samantha George
Demi Lovato as Zoey andrews
Katy perry as Ella Sanders

Ariana pov-

"Just see yourself in the lounge, I really have to go . I love you okay , don't leave and don't do anything stupid." He says putting his jacket on the shows a snake a three A's in the middle while I sit down on second to last step on this stair . Seeing all the boys have the same jacket making me confused why haven't my dad's got none .

"Does all gangs have these ." I asks seeing him bend down to my level.

"No my dad , just like fashion and its a whole gang thing." He says making me realise why my dad having today .

"My dad there that why you making me stay here." I say feeling a tear come down my eye

"Let me go please ." I beg

"Ariana I can't, it for your safety, and protection that he doesn't know i took you here ." He says making me cough

"For my safety you kidnapped me , my home and my dad is my safe place , not here not you ." I say feeling my self been slap

"Shut up ." He spits his words at me look down feeling his hand leave my leg he walks out and leaves me to look down at the clean floor with my dirty tears . After five minutes of looking down i head to the fridge seeing so sort Acai bowl with blueberries,raspberry banana , oatmeal and dragon fuirt on top taken it I grab a spoon and head in the lounge seeing some girls in there talking about something sitting the conner were no one can see me i just watch the tv and listen to there talk while eating .

"Her name is Ariana Grande , I don't know anything else about her ." I one hear say making me just hear there conversations .

"Josh told me that he smacked her this morning ." I hear another say

"Poor girl , Jason already off to a bad start." I hear one more say

"They didn't do that to you guys" I ask sitting on the couch the was next to my hiding spot

"No actually,they acted like it was a real relationship and we just went along with it . But we fought back for a week though." One of the girls says

"By the way I'm zoey." She adds on making me nod

"Could You help me get out of this place ." I asks seeing a girl get up from her spot and come to me .

"Ariana you know if we did you will still be here .Samantha or sammy." She says giving a side ways hug

"How he won't know if you guys didn't tell him." I says

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