Fifty four

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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

"One minute early, where the guards alright?" I hear making me look to my left seeing him wearing tight black jeans , with a black button up long sleeve t-shirt which been roll up up to his elbows, and the two top button undone showing his cross necklace and part of his tattoo

"I asked a question." He says making me look up at his face seeing a smirk

"They, um , were good .... I don't exactly what I am meant to call you Sir,king?" I mumble out while he walks over to me

"Harry , sweetheart." He says smiling at me , giving a no teeth smile back

"Come with me ." He says and turns around and walking back where he came from

"There nothing to be scared about." He says before being out of my site ,

I could leave but the doors are locker , or break the window but they honestly are not made out of glass . Quickly fast walking into the area he went into. I get into this tunnel only to see him waiting .

"Have you watched or read the hunger games?" He asks while we walk side by side each other

"Both actually when I was 13 I read all of the books in one week. Then when Mockingjay 2 came out I brought all the dvd's and binged watched it " I say

"Sometimes I feel like I'm president snow being in here even though I don't have white roses , old , and coughing up blood in a hanky ." He says rolling my eyes and then smiling at him only to realise he could be a 50 year old just has good skin.

"Is there something you wanna ask?" He asks raising an eyebrow

"How old are you by any chance ?" I question

"23 turning 24 next year" He says making me me nod .

"After you." He says staring at him seeing him raising an eyebrow back at me. Turn my head back to the end making me walk to see a water full area making me look back seeing his hands in his front pocket.

"Do you like it." He asks

"Yeah it really pretty, haven't really experienced this for a long time." I say turning back to water coming down from the rocks .

"Dinners this way." He says turning to my right I see him walk down a path making me follow behind only to see a small table that fits 2 plates , 2 glasses , and on it with the covers like you get in hotel room on top of the plates ,and the chairs opposite each other

"Here" he says pull the chair out for me .

"Um-thank you." I say sitting down on the seat he put out for me , seeing him go opposite side and sits down then reveals the plate full of food .

"It hasn't been posined I swear , I'm not like them." He says

"How did you-"

"They did it to me , and we have this system where you can check you know enemies at the time looking at Jason dad we saw you ." He says taking a bite into his food .

"What do you mean they did it to you . " I ask seeing him look up at me while a take a of the food

"Jason invited me over , His dad knew I wasn't in his gang but I was in my father's gang , but the time we were setting up dinner I saw Jason mother put in something only in one plate , I knew it was what it was so I just left there's" he says

"Does your father own another gang." I asks making him shake his head

"This gang is actually his , my dad ,he um passed away , in his will the gang was told it was mine , keeping the family history. I was 18 when I got told , this gang use to be this long as name , so I changed it to kings , got out in the open there is a new gang , and then we keep hidden every since my dad passed ." He says

"Im sorry," I say

"It fine , I'm sorry about your mother passing ," he says

"Its okay." I say

"Why am I actually here." I ask

"Can we talk about that when your ready to know?" He asks me

"Then tell me why you cut my somatic open , is it for that usb, which I have no clue what it is about ." I asks

"It's to burn that usb before everyone finds out about your dad , and you before your life gets destroyed for it If someone finds out you will be dead in a second for your dad's mistakes " he says

"So ur burnt it .with out looking at it ." I asks

"I watched it burn . No trace of finding it , and you can't put it back into pieces ." He says making me nod

"How long am I staying here." I ask

"Forever , but this isn't our home ." He says making me raise a eyebrow

"Then what is this place ." I asks

"A medical area , for you was taking the usb , trackers , that awful metal bracelet that made your whole hand have an infection which is now fix" he explains

"Then how many places are there ?" I ask taking a sip of water

"12 , including our area" he says

"Oh my god." I whisper seeing him smirk

"Makes it harder for people like Jason to find the real target." He says smirking then gets out of his chair

"We need to sleep , we have a couple of place first tomorrow before we get home." He says and takes my hand pulls me out of my seat then we walk out of this garden area

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