Twenty -four

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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

Looking threw the closet I find one of Jason hoodies putting it on underneath my white long sleeve t-shirt turning around seeing Jason starting at me half naked , only him in his Calvin kelvins and sweat pants .

"What are you doing in my hoodie?" He asks moving his towel dried hair out of his face.

"Um..I was cold and needed something to kept me warm and um found this , and yeah if you want me to -" before I could say any more his pull me into him and kisses my lips making me shut up. He breaks the kiss and looks down at me .

"Stop rambling on kitten ." He whisper

"So I don't have to take it off." Playing with my thumbs

"No and I don't think I could take off you." He says making me chuckle

"You laugh is adorable "he says making me blush

"Come on get your top on." I say getting out of jase's grip and head down stairs into the kitchen seeing the family eating

"Hey ! Ari did Jason get you" sammy asks making me nod

"Yeah more than what I did to him I had a shower to kept me warm . " I say sitting down on what you call "the King throne"

"Your breakfast Queen Ariana " Josh says joking around

"Thank you Mr.Joker " I say in a very posh accent.

"Is King Jason coming ." Grayson says adding on to the joke

"I think so Mr.Toilet cleaner." I say making all of us laugh expected for Grayson

"What's going on" I hear making me turn around to see Jason in a long sleeve shirt and a baseball cap .

"AND KING JASON IS HERE" Josh says making a trumpet noise after making all of us clapping

"Woo !" I shout underneath the whistle that Zoey made .

"I should get this treatment everyday." He says making us laugh .

"Where are you sitting King Jason" i ask seeing him smirk feeling him lift me up and places me down on his lap seeing that he was sitting on what use to be just my chair

"Take your hat off your being rude ." I say jokingly seeing roll his eyes and takes it off seeing how messy it is

"Better ?" He asks making me nod seeing him about to kiss me I grab some of my eggs and put it in Jason mouth.

"Good?" I asks seeing him nod while I take the fork out of his mouth and grabbing some eggs and putting it in my mouth .

"Can I get you guys for a picture?" I hear Ella says making me look at her seeing she was meaning us

"Yeah" I says

"No" he says at the same time .

"Why not " I ask seeing him roll his eyes

"I don't do pictures"

"But you look like you do being camera ready everyday please just one picture " I ask holding out my hand for our hand shake

"Ugh fine just one." He says and connects his fingers with mine to do our hand shake only to be pull towards him for him to kiss me on the lips

"You smell good ." He says while I move back to carry on eating

"I smell like eggs." I say rolling my eyes eating the last bit

"You smell like sweets with a hint of campaign ." He whisper

"I don't drink remember so how do I smell like campaign " I say getting off him and to the sink .

"You just do " I hear while I put the bowl in the washer shutting the washing back up to turn around to see Jason behind me with his hat on .

"You can see parts of your hair still." I whisper taking his hat and running my hands threw his hair . Seeing his eyes close and him humming at the touch . Putting the hat back on seeing him smile at me

"Come on newly love birds let get the picture." Ella says making Jason roll his eyes seeing him turn around to face Ella . Jason puts his arm around my shoulder which I put my arms around me his waist smiling into the camera .

"1 ....2...3" after Ella count she presses the camera button making a click . Seeing the picture come out of the camera

"There's nothing on it. " Jason's says making Ella and I laugh

"Jason it takes a while to load." I say seeing him roll his eyes

"Can you guys sign it " Ella asks holding out with a pen . Seeing Jason take it and write on it then passing it to me .

"Your signature looks better than my writing." He says looking down at the picture

"You know I kinda like that picture." He whispers kisses my forehead and looks back down at it .

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