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A week after

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A week after

Ariana pov-

"Morning Ethan" I say seeing him reading a new paper ... This is a first

"Morning Air ." He says rolling my eyes at the nickname I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and start to eat it .

"How come you reading the newspaper." I ask seeing him roll his eyes

"This isn't a newspaper." He says

"Um it looks like it ." I say grab of one the knifes I flick it around my finger without cutting myself .

"It's a manual to a computer for myself." He says

"You fxcking know how to use one." I say seeing he raise his eyebrows

"Your lucky Jason not here and not seeing you spin that knife he will go nuts. Wait how did you get out of his grip." He asks

"Swap myself with two pillows ." I say seeing him chuckle

"You know you really different when your not around McCann." He says making me roll my eyes

"If I swear throw knife into a wall , I'm dead by him , I don't want to be in that hell hole , I would rather be lock in Jason room than the deep shít, have you not seen how much blood that is on the ground looks like it a killing  area ."

"It was one before." He says staring at me then looks back at the "newspaper"

"You know you and your twin remind me of my brothers well not real brothers but we thought of each other brother and sister ." I say pointing the knife at him while I speak , seeing him put the manual down .

"Dad said they died in the bomb my mum died in but I didn't believe it." I add on seeing him look unsteady

"There names we called Ace and Razor . Never said there real name. Ethan or should I say ace." I asks

"Look Moonlight I can explain about this , but not in this area , they have security camera around and even tho the boys know sammy fxcking doesn't." He says calling me by what my dad nickname me for the gang he was in .

"I don't want to be called that ." I hiss at him . Wrapping the knife around my fingers .

"What the time ." Ethan asks

"7 , why you wanna know ." I ask

"Sammy wakes up at 9 ish , we're going for a walk get some clothes on be out in 5 mins ." He says and leaves the kitchen .

Slamming the knife down I run up stairs into Jason room , oh yeah I can finally walk like normal person now . I grab my  ripped leans and some sort of band tee that like a crop top on me with my boots and jacket I turn to see Jason still sleeping with his messy hair , mouth a little open hugging the two pillows, smiling down at him I head off down stairs seeing Ethan waiting for me putting a gun in his pants under his top and jacket.

"You ready?" He asks shaking my head I turn left opening up the what you call a gear shed grab a couple of throwing knifes putting then in my pocket.

"What the fxck sis ." He shout whisper while I shut the door to the gear shed and walk outside .

"Can't stop me." I say

"Oh don't worry I know who can." He say coming up to me as we start to walk together.

"Are we really gonna have the silence start talking." I say looking up at him

"Grayson and I got kicked out of your dad gang two days before the bombing , we were actually wanting this to be planed , Grayson saw Jason at some type of boxing match all gangs do expect for your dad's , they basically talked and shít , he wanted us on his team , the top gang Grayson couldn't decline and all , as for me when the day came the we were moving it was unexpected that he had a brother basically I was fxcking bullied by them, but only Jason and Grayson had faith in me as you know I was just start out like a baby at that time but I had hacking skills, and the moves you taught me after training hours  , so they put us in the gang , we finally told them after 2 months  we were in your dads gang and all , everyone was so fxcking quite but only thing was Jason saying 'so you know daddy's girl .'As first we're so confused until we realise he meant you ,Jason McCann fxcking wants my sister , I swear I was trying to stop you from being  here but look who here now but for the sake of you and my girlfriend finding out I know you and from another gang we kept it a secret, all I wanted to do was fxcking hug you and apologise for how we didn't say good bye to you ." He says seeing him kick a stone after he finished

"Well I'm glad your fxcking alive same as Grayson , but you shouldn't be hiding it from God damn sammy , just talk to her she will understand." I say seeing him smile.

"Thanks sissy now we need to talk about something else ." He says while we sit down near the river that nearly killed me

"And that is?" I ask

"Jason dad coming over today , He sorting out a next load and wanting to talk to you Jason being Jason is making you stay in the basement while he here."he says

"No no Please no not in there ." I say .

"Ariana you have to before you get pulled into this fxcking gang I can't have my sister in it " he says

"What do I do sit there in chains ." I say

"I don't know , but In half there is a gym type of thing you could practice aiming your knifes at it ." He says

"Yeah right Jason will know." I say seeing him smirk

"Or if the camera are turned off in there he couldn't ." He says making me roll my eyes

"come we gotta get home before Jason gets pissed your not in bed ." He says making me laugh while getting up and we walk back home .

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