Fourty four

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Ariana pov-

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Ariana pov-

Its been silent  for nearly half an hour and its not the good silent its the bad one when you know your going to get told off by your mum or dad how bad you were. Turning into the drive way I look up seeing him staring at me like he about to say something then looks back at the road making me slide down a little . Feeling the car stop making me quickly take my seat belt off and open the car until.

"Did you fxck him?" He asks making me turn to look at him

"No." I say

"Did you think about it?" He asks

"No Jason."

"You lying piece of shit." He mutters

"Im telling you the truth Jason .... all I thought was how bad I want it to stop and leave but I had to get the information first... im not a lying bitch im not a person who would lie unlike you." I say

"Unlike me? When was a time I have lied to you?" He asks

"Lying to me when we were going home to see people that i care about to be here ... lying to me when you got your older brother you didn't blew up my uncle area when you did ... lying to me when I was stuck in that basement you didn't not once come to help me , give food , talk to me in person .... are you lying that you love me?" I asks seeing his neck veins show more , his jaw clenched .

"Who said I didn't love you , i did it for your safety okay ... you are a girl who tells stuff to people that I don't even know about . Do you not trust me ? Do you not see that I love you? You have never said I love you to me .... never . What am I supposed to do? huh? .... get out ." He says getting out I slammed the door and run into the house seeing the guys drinking I run up stairs and slam the door shut and fall to my knees and cry .

Taking the wig off I slowly get up and and head to closet grabbing the training suit and running shoes . And head down stairs seeing the guys laughing at some random joke seeing jason turn around only for me to run away and go into the training room . Looking for a sign that says wash room i head in see a gym shower . Going in there I lock the door and strip until im naked and turn the shower taking the disgusting sent of Mr.Green and the smell of regret and tears off me . Close my eyes for a second feeling the whole 5 minuets of my disgusted scene reply in my mind. I should of just shut my mouth and never joined in that meeting .
Feeling the tape turn off I open my eyes and press the button called air dry which drys your whole in 4 seconds .
Putting on my underwear and bra then my training and shoe I head out seeing no one around . Walking over to the death trap thing I go in and press the button that makes it start

"Welcome Miss.Grande" I hear making me look around seeing no one .

"Miss.Grande I am a voice of this machine.. you will face things that mite look real life that are not really . There are three choices , physically, mental, or both please say what you want to do  ." The voice says

"Both" I say

"Your time starts now." She says seeing the door open making me run in seeing a gun I pick it up and load it and walk in seeing real life people come up to me.

Shooting one by one I carry moving to the next stages seeing it i need to climb the wall . Climbing up it I put by body over and and slide back down . Seeing the next door I walk into it seeing its a hospital room .

"Mr.Grande and Mrs.Grande your child is fine and safe but she has suffered with major memory loss ." The doctor says to these thirty drug dealers .

"We will give you two thousand dollars for you to help us get rid of this piece of shit" the guy says  walking up to him I turn both of the people around  seeing the guy messy brown hair yellow teeth , a bruise eyes and the lady toothless , blonde hair , brown eyes , lack of sleep ,  some tube in her throat.

"These are my parents." I whisper walking into the hospital room I see a little girl around five years of age bloody , cuts in arms , head wrapped , oxygen mask on her tiny mouth. Looking at the medical tag on her wrist I see her name .

Ariana Grande

How the hell did I get into that mess. Seeing the door open I walk through it see that i get whacked into the wall .

"Little bitch ." The mask guy say and kicks me in guts making me drop .

"Your mum and dad don't love you , so does Jason he just using you, your shouldn't even live , you will never be perfect." The guy says the punches me making me scream in pain feeling the tears break.

"MAKE IT STOP!" I shout

Then suddenly I feel blackness


A/n okay this chapter crap and is confusing so I will explain

Jason and ariana get in to a fight
Jason tell her to get out she does and runs to her room and cries . A while later she decides to forget everything by going to the training room without the guys knowing . She decides to do the  death trap

Death trap is a course that they made to think and act , not letting thoughts and memories get in the way.

Ariana choses physical and mental which is the highest level , showing flash backs of her past  mixed with fight and getting free.

Ariana finds out information about her past when her real mum and dad didn't want her showing she was apart of a drugs addicted family, her mum has a tube in her throat because what she was smoking doing the stuff which effect her majorly . She goes into the room see her  five year old self laying there oxygen mask only way she can get oxygen . She moves on seeing a masked man and punches her saying that no one loves her she has a panic attack and falls in complete darkness

Hope this helps things be  explain better .

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