Ch.3 |Killer vs. Killer|

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Alexis's pov

I sat on the roof of one of the houses on the very outer edge of the heart land the rest of the team Juliet, Malcolm, and Oliver plus a tag-along Elliot

"Princess your outfit is a little showy isn't it?" I rolled my jaw and turned to see him unskillfully straddling the top of the roof to avoid falling

"I'm fully covered Elliot my neck, face, and hands are the only things uncovered"

"Well I mean it's skin tight and it's pulled so tight over your chest" he frowned "I don't think these people should see that"

So in other words his future wife is flaunting her figure too much for his liking was his exact thoughts he only came because my father insisted

"I think I'm fine it'd be nice if you could hush so I can hear" he nodded and looked around probably trying to figure out a way down "Why do you come with us if I have to protect you? your a huge liability"

"I have to make sure your okay" he reasoned making me laugh

"Did you not just hear what I said your so thoughtless it's painful I-" I was cut off by a whistle ,our code, someone was coming our way

I stood up and flipped off the roof and landed on my feet crouching I hid behind a wall of a house I looked around spotting my other team members in their hiding spots

I smiled watching as 5 wolfs crawled in on all fours one stood and sniffed the air he made a small growl he lowered back down then crawled forward slowly my team all looked at me for instructions I held up my hand signaling to hold

they all went to one house one of them used his nail to cut through the screen window What I didn't understand is...

That house was a crime scene there was only dead bodies in there ,vampires body's didn't start to rot until days after death and wolf bodies stayed transformed 24 hours after they are dead then revert back to their human form

He crawled through the others followed but one

The one, He turned and looked into the next house ,which was the house of the man who brought to news to my father ,he stood up his transformed height was an inch short of the door frame he went to open it he growled discovering it was locked

I hit my fist on my palm meaning attack when seen fit

He checked back to see If anyone was around he used his claws to start to climb the bricks to reach a second floor window

I went running I jumped grabbing him landing on his back I pulled him back and flipping us so as we fell I landed on him he growled reached back to claw me

I grabbed his fur yanking his head back I pulled out a pure silver pocket knife and pressed it against his neck and dragged it slowly across He howled in pain before going limp

I jumped when I was tackled making my team springing into action going after the rest of them

I noticed the wolf pinning me down was bigger than the rest more muscle more sharp teeth his right ear was torn and he had bright yellow gold eyes like mine

I stopped taking in detail and got back to the task at hand Killing this mangy mutt

But...he wasn't snapping or clawing at me he was staring just looking down at me paws heavy on my shoulders hind legs at my calfs

I took advantage of his hesitation and brought my legs up and under him flinging him off me he flipped and his claws dug into the street I ran at him and kicked his jaw he grabbed my leg I smirked and twisted my leg so my back was to him I heeled him right in the snout

He howled and growled I tackled him I pulled out a pure silver little case it looked like a lip stick tube but once open it had metal string

I gasped when he put his arm around me pulling me down the sudden jerk made my silver necklace chain fall out of my suit he wrapped his hand around it tugging me down the loud hissing proved even if it hurt he held me to his face as he snarled trying to bite me I clawed across his chest with my nails

"They are retreating" Oliver yelled

The wolf I had pinned turned to look at his fleeing men he released my necklace rolled us over and he jumped away crawling one paw over the claw marks I made I stared 

he could have taken a hit, a bite, a slash but nothing I...I had my chance to kill him too but nothing

"Princess, Princess your bleeding" Elliot ran over I looked down at myself my side had blood where his arm wrapped around me but I didn't see any marks maybe when I flung him off he scrapped his arm and his blood smeared on me

"Your necklace" Juliet pointed it too was covered in blood

"It's silver it's fine he touch it was all I'm fine" I stood up "is anyone hurt?"I looked at my team mates but they all had only minor scraps and scratches

I looked at the wolf body "throw him into their land respect their process for their passed kind" I looked into the house, the crime scene, I felt bad we couldn't return those bodies to them but those had been claimed by the families of the vampires killed they'd be burned

I'd never do that but I couldn't stop them I'm the princess that was the law of my father

I had no say... Yet

Harry's pov

I ran with my men back to our den once we made it safely back we all took our normal forms

We walked to the hospital ,or really a 2 story brick building with as many rooms as it could hold that had our nurses and doctors, doctors and nurses flooded toward us of course being the alpha I had only the best doctor he set me onto a bed in one of the first rooms available

He pulled out gauzes and dipped them in alcohol his white gloves matching his white coat and white button up his slacks being black throwing off all of the white around him

"What was this done with?" He dabbed my cuts making me hiss

"Nails ,finger nails" he cocked an eyebrow but continued as he finished he taped a clean gauze over it

"you'll need to rest they are deep but not wide enough to need stitches but if you bust your healing skin then we will have to stitch it up"

I nodded he looked over my busted lip then grabbed my hand seeing blood was dripping from it "I've never seen you take this much damage you normally cause more than you get" I nodded

"I fought a girl, a vampire girl" he rolled his jaw

"must have been quiet skilled" I nodded

"I'd never seen her before she was... peculiar" my fingers twitched as he used a swab to get in the grooves of the burns I got from grabbing her silver necklace

"How so..?" He asked making the nurse hold my hand still so he could properly clean

"Her eyes she had wolf eyes and she didn't smell like a blood sucker... She was though fangs and all" I frowned hearing myself

"You killed her?" The doctor wrapped my hand

"no I didn't and she didn't kill me I had her pinned I could have bitten right into her neck it would have been over right then and there" I shook my head "then she had me pinned I turned I wasn't paying attention she could have slit my throat like she had done to Ronny but..."

"You sound distracted" he nodded pressing his lips into a line "you need to sleep to heal get your head onto the right track" I nodded

"Yeah yeah okay" he stood me up dismissing me

"I was just... Distracted next time I see her I'll get mine... Soak her in holy water and rub her down with garlic"

I nodded entertaining my own thoughts but really the only thing I really wanted to do

Was to see her

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