Ch.27|What You Don't Know Will Kill You|

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Alexis's pov

I quickly threw the bag over my shoulder I packed it full of clothes, my phone charger, and some of my makeup

I went to open my bedroom door but it was locked I frowned and tried the lock twisting it both ways and it stayed locked I backed away from the door my lock was jammed or.... Or my door was blocked

Forcibly blocked from the outside? I slowly lowered myself to the floor and put my cheek flat to the ground holding my breath so my bump wouldn't be completely smashed against the ground

I saw a very heavy oak chair leaned up against the door handle I saw 2 pairs of feet outside the door way of fathers room

I choked and got myself into my knees I held my door handle and pulled myself up I rubbed my bump and looked around I pulled my phone out

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door locking it I called Harry I bit my lip and felt sick

"Baby g-" I cut him off

"I'm locked in Harry I have a chair against my door and people are out in my hallway I can't get out and I can't fight and I don't know what to do" I rushed kinda panicked

"Fuck FUCK okay go check and see if your balcony is free" He instructed I opened the bathroom door and walked to the door I walked out I leaned over I gasped and backed up back into my room

"there's men Harry, they work for Elliot I've seen them before" I closed the door

"I'm coming" he said sternly I heard his car engine reeve letting me know he was driving faster "I'll be in wolf form wait outside stay silent I'll be there" he hung up again I bit my lip and stepped out waiting on the balcony

It was only 5 minutes before I heard one of the guards speak

"Do you hear that?" One asked the other

"I do probably a little snack jumping around, a damn little Bambi" he sneered

"What's that? Running across the field" he screamed

"What the hell?! I dunno but it's quick" I heard the cocking of guns

I gulped I held under my bump watching Harry ducking and running at insane speed across the field I felt my throat tighten with every shot I heard

"JAKE" one of the men yelled I shuttered hearing gurgling of blood in his throat

I slightly screamed seeing a ...paw? Hand? Whatever it was it had claws I calmed down I knew it was Harry but I was on edge  he stood on the ledge his full wolf form easyily 7 foot he reached a hand down I walked to him he grabbed under my arms as if I were a child and put me against his chest he held his arm under me to sit on I heard him whimpered I gasped and quickly pulled my necklace back so it wasn't touching him he grabbed my bag and jumped

I squeezed my eyes closed and held him he put the bag around his neck crouched down and ran

I hid myself in his neck it seemed we were running

he suddenly jerked to a stop making me squeak I frowned feeling the fur I had been holding on to disappearing in my hand and the leather like skin I had pressed against my face was now soft and fleshy

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