Ch.13 \Who's Side are You on?\

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Alexis's pov

I felt myself waking up but I didn't want to open my eyes I felt... Aching almost everywhere

I slowly opened my eyes I frowned deeply I couldn't remember where I was or how I got here my eyes started to water pain was just buzzing all throughout my body

I sat up my body shook uncontrollably I whimpered out and looked at my hands my knuckles were bloody and busted my wrist were raw and smeared in layers of blood

I rubbed and felt my face my lips were cracked and busted with welts of newly healing skin I put a little pressure my cheeks had bruises too

I looked down I was in a big tee shirt I had never seen before I looked at my knees they were covered in bruises I licked my lips and felt my between my legs it was on fire it hurt so bad and....

There was blood I looked at my fingers and started to shake even worse my jaw dropped I let out sharp breaths I started to sob my stomach reeled and twisted tears were freely flowing

"Ooh honey" I gasp and looked toward the voice Elliot walked in smiling "good morning my love you slept till noon silly"

He walked to me and kissed my head "don't worry about the sheets I'll have them cleaned" he reached behind me and pulled off a bloody rope from the head board

"You're gunna need to get up and get dressed your father is coming for lunch" I shook head I looked at the blood then him

"I-I c-can't..  Y-You..."

"I didn't do anything too far love I saved getting intimate for our wedding night I just used a toy on you" he smiled "I did use your mouth though" he looked at my knees and hands "I was pretty rough ,very rough actually, but I couldn't help it your were so compliant for me"

"Y-you.." I cried more

"I said get up come on" he sighed "does it still hurt?" He took my crying for a yes he nodded he walked out and came back he had underwear with a pad to catch my blood and a white lace dress he pulled my legs to him I cried harder as he harshly tugged up the underwear on me and tore off the shirt carelessly tugging it and pulling on the dress

"Come on he'll be here any minute" he stood me up and pushed me to walk I stumbled and fell on my knees screaming he walked over "you handled a lot more last night" he sounded annoyed and disappointed he grabbed the back of my dress and pulled me up

We walked down a shocking sting ran through my body with every step he pushed me into a seat making me let out a loud sob I put my hands on the table clawing my nails into the wood "here" he walked off and came back quickly with... With bandaids

He showed my them it was hello kitty bandaids

He showed my them it was hello kitty bandaids

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