Ch.21 |It's Yours Silly|

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(A/N:Just to say there is talk of religion and I am not getting into anything about this its just my characters views)

Elliot's pov

I smirked looking at Alexis she was sleeping I glanced out the window it was the middle of the night she'd be watching up soon

Last night was amazing


I groaned writing down more information about the church I choose for the wedding I still had to pick or song and choose a set of vows

we both had no real religion so I had to attend a least 8 sermons to able to get us booked at that church it was grooling to sit there and listen to some man speak of God, whom he's never seen, nor hear just a tad strange for me

I slammed my fist on the table when there was a knock I got up throwing the pen I walked to the door I flung it open "WHA-" I stopped wide eyed seeing Alexis on my door her limo pulling away

"Ooo honey? What are you doing here?" I asked confused she stepped in

"I came to see how the wedding prep was going" she smiled I clapped chuckling "it's going I had to go to 5 sermons and 3 still my to go but now we'll have the church booked I'm picking vows and filling out the application What colors do you like?" She shrugged

"White and grey"

I cocked an eyebrow hoping she'd be brighter "I put us down for white and blush pink so..."

She nodded "whatever" her voice held a hint of annoyance but not nearly as much as normal she walked to the desk and looked at the papers she looked at me from over her shoulder

"Elliot what do you think about... babies?" Alexis sounded... Hopeful I shook my head and threw up my hands

"I don't like children ,I hate them in fact, but if they were mine of course that'd be different they'd be spoiled rotten" I smirked "why honey?"

"Well Elliot I want a baby, I want a baby Now I don't want to wait" she sat on the desk crossing her legs posing herself rather provocatively I smiled scanning her curves

"Now? you'll be pregnant for the wedding and you don't wanna wait till our wedding night to go all the way?" She grabbed my shirt pulling me to her

"No I can't wait I want it now my whole live only one thing was sexually done for me and I wasn't even up" she pouted I frowned

"That was rather unfair of me wasn't it? Mm" I smiled and pushed hair back behind her ear "of course... And you want me to impregnate you?" she grabbed my hand and kissed it nodding biting her lip

"With pleasure honey" I pulled her to kiss me

~End of Flashback~

I had already sent out a maid to get me a pack of pregnancy tests last night on the way up to the bedroom

I walked into the bathroom seeing it thank god we were both vampires and the growth of a vampire baby was accelerated so I didn't have to wait days to find out I could find out whenever she wakes up

I heard her sitting up I stepped out setting the box down she stood up holding the sheets still looking for her clothes which I took from her "I picked out your new outfit" I pointed to the dresser she followed my finger and looked

I heard her sitting up I stepped out setting the box down she stood up holding the sheets still looking for her clothes which I took from her "I picked out your new outfit" I pointed to the dresser she followed my finger and looked

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She slightly laughed "y-you can't be serious..?" She looked at me holding the dress

"Deathly serious" I answered "put it on"

"Elliot it's a hot pink sack first off I HATE pink okay I don't like it second off it this had no shape at all I'll look like a walking tent" I walked to her and back handed her across the face she gasped and smacked me equally if not harder than how I hit her

I put my hand to her stomach "I'll punch you so hard if there is anything in there ...they'll be coming out bloody and painful" she went wide eyed and nodded she took a step back putting on the dress

To tell the truth the main reason I wanted her to wear it is she's too pretty for her own good I'm going to be king I deserve all of the lime light and she'd only be a pretty face when I wanted her to be how could anyone focus on me if Alexis was parading her chest around like a cheap whore?, No one needed to see her figure that was for me she couldn't even be in anyone else's fantasy not if I could stop it

If I could fix her and cover her then no one would find her pretty she'd be plain and dull that's what I wanted better yet I wanted her Ugly

"Test is in the bathroom I want to see them when your done" I said sternly watching her

she ran past me into the bathroom ,waiting for 5 minutes before she stepped out again she walked to me handing me the test and box

I smirked reading I looked at her cradling her stomach "so a baby? mm we should make you an appointment" I gave her the test and the box I kissed her head "why don't you go home and relax I'll set it all up" she nodded turning away

I grabbed her arm "doesn't the father to you child deserve a kiss? For a job well done?" She stared them leaned up and kissed me meaning for it only to be a peck but I grabbed her chin forcing the kiss be longer and deeper she pushed away and made a bewildered face she shook her head and ran grabbing her phone, shoes, and undergarments running down

I sat on the bed and looked through my contacts since I was going to be king I had things like the doctors office, the hospital, the police station,and etc... All set in my contacts already I called the doctors office

"Hi I need to make an appointment for maternity.. New patient name is- well it's the princess actually" the lady on the other end gasped and quickly agreed to anything and everything I said  "Tuesday 6pm?" She of course happily said 'of course' and I heard clicking of keys "and you can't go telling anyone the princess is pregnant" another 'of course' rang from the happy-go-lucky sounding lady

"Congrats see you then" she cheered hanging up

Harry's pov

This was the 7th 400-something page attack/war book of the past 100 years and still no information I needed I was beginning to lose hope I slammed it closed and rubbed my face I jumped and groaned when my phone buzzed I grabbed it and sighed

Baby Love:plan is done he thinks they are his...But the threats haven't stopped

I threw off the book from my desk top "even if he thinks they are his he'd still kill them" I snarled I sighed and shook my head trying to calm down there wasn't anything I could do

I shook my head and walked out of my room mum and dad were eating dinner I looked at them I sat down

"So mum when you were having me what was your main problem?" She looked at me confused

"Why sweetie?" She set down her spoon

I went to the pot scooping some soup into my bowl I smelled it and winced mum wasn't the best cook so dad and I just ate it to make her happy we'd eventually get up and make a sandwich or something

I sat at the table with them "I'm studying some more to brush up and getting ready to be Alpha so that includes knowing how I'd help my wife" I smiled and she looked excited

"Ooo that's so sweet Harry of course well I was constantly tired and thirsty and toward the end I could hardly get up you were stretching and pushing on my pelvic bone so far that he said If I had walked anymore than I did you would have broke it in half" I went wide eyed

"D-did the fact that you were a wolf help at all?" I asked and She nodded quickly

"Ooo yes only one human has ever survived going birth to a wolf baby it wasn't even an alpha pup either" she sipped her soup "and you have like pain just ALLL the time but specially the week right before you go into labor" She shrugged "half the pregnancy was just mostly sleeping and lots of water"

I nodded "I'll make note of that"

"And craving my you need to get as many of them as possible if cravings aren't fulfilled they can cause serious pain, cravings represent something that your lacking and chocolate is a big one"

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