Ch.32/Pain Isn't Only Physical/

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Elliot's pov

I smiled walking around the crumbled man tied up and laying in a pool of growing blood "who does she belong to?" I questioned again

He coughed and more blood splattered out from his mouth "Fuck you" I laughed and kicked him with my steel toed boot he groaned and hunched

"Your a dumbass mutt" I rolled my eyes I looked down at his face he had a black eye and a busted cheek his eyebrow was cut and blood poured from his nose and mouth

"You will never own her she's the love of my life and-" he coughed picking his head up it bobbed a little "and she's pregnant with my pups" he laughed I stood rigid

I flinched I dropped the pure silver chain onto him I smiled as he howled in pain

"Your baby? Well let me tell you a secret" I leaned down rubbing the chain on his face "the 'pups' are going to be still born... what happened? She fell things like these happen so often it's tragic but it's the princess everyone would comfort her" he got what I was saying he growled and grabbed my wrist he leaned up and bit me

"BLOODY HOUND" I yanked myself back he rolled over knocking the chain off he was just struggling to breath I went to step on him but as I raised my foot I heard the door open I turned

There stood the king "Elliot come here and bring him up"

"I wasn't finished" It was almost a whine

"Well Alexis is in labor so why don't you come the hell up" I frowned

"Oh.... okay" I nodded in forced agreements

"S-She's 6 months" He sounded worried

"Well a bit to late to stop it now" I responded to myself and to him

I picked him up putting him on his feet he stumbled but walked pretty well he looked at stairs and shook his head I groaned and used my speed to get us up then let him walk the rest

I stop instinctively at Edmunds doorway "come in" I hesitated but stepped in I followed furrowed my eyebrows and he stepped into a seamless door I followed and saw Alexis on the floor chained to a wall she was panicking obviously

She saw us and screamed but it was muffled by tape tears rolled she rattled the chains and tried to get herself up all her ropes were gone the only thing now was the cuffs

"Is she okay?" I asked Harry just stood there staring at Alexis I don't think I had ever seen her like this....this helpless, this terrified

"Yes" he grabbed Harry throwing him against the wall he walked to Alexis he put his hands on the top of her bump and...

"W-what are you doing?" I asked confused

"I'm pushing to rupture her womb so she goes into labor" he then started to add force because Alexis started screaming and struggling

"MMMMMM MMMMMM" she threw herself around my stomach flipped when he started getting harder and harder to tell the truth I had the urge to want to stop him I mean I wouldn't but that looked painful as shit

Harry's pov

I watched in horror as her father pushed down onto her stomach the top of her bump was concaving with his pressure and she was crying

I tried to crawl to her but I was spinning when he threw me into the wall my head got directly and I didn't think things could get worse

I went wide eyed when there was an actual audible pop ,to only sensitive ears, was heard Alexis was wide eyed too and momentarily silent as water pooled between her legs

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