Ch.28 \In My Son's Bed\

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Alexis's pov

I smiled stepping out of the shower the steam rolling out of the bathroom Harry was right I was very relaxed now I looked around I frowned I rubbed my hair with the towel then put it on my chest letting it hang from my chest

I went to his dresser and opened the drawers I pulled out his boxers and a big tee shirt I smiled and pulled the towel off I slipped the boxers on and pulled the shirt on pulling it over my bump it made it but was tightly pulled I smiled admiring it

I found his brush and combed out my hair it was already starting to dry I turned and crawled onto his bed I smiled "it all smells like Harry" I deeply inhaled the scent could happily make me comatose

I looked around his room was pretty bare not a lot of decoration or pictures I smiled finding one it was Harry as a fresh teenager

I looked around his room was pretty bare not a lot of decoration or pictures I smiled finding one it was Harry as a fresh teenager

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It was obviously something for school I wouldn't doubt this was only in here before of his mother I grabbed it from the shelf

"My god he's such a cute boy" I giggled "wild curly locks and a bright face and those dimples" I gushed I admitted he made me a tad flustered but if I got that feeling from just his picture I was absolutely sickly in love with him

"That was a hunting game we were at all hunting each other last standing wins and I won" I turned Harry was at the window I licked my lips seeing the buck he had "I went and got you a snack drink it them I'll drop it at the homeless shelter it's on the edge of human land they can have the meat"

I smiled and walked over the neck was through the windows so I grabbed the antlers and sunk my teeth in it give little struggle a few huffing noises then gave in"mm" I hummed deeply

Once I was done he kissed me and ran off I pulled my hair over my shoulder and ran my fingers through it I smiled when he was back only after 2 minutes

"That my clothes?" He asked stepping in closing the window and locking it

"Mhm" I nodded he smiled

"I didn't know my clothes double as maternity attire" he chuckled I shook my head

"Only for my they do" I made a very cute and innocent pose my hands behind me with enlarged doe eyes and biting my lip he watch me and cocked an eyebrow

"Mmm what you want baby girl with that face you know I couldn't tell you no" he gave in without a single struggle

"Chocolate Please" he chuckled

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