Ch.6 |You're a bit UnFair|

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Harry's pov

I rolled my jaw it was still sore and I was PISSED I kicked my feet ,I was sat on a high branch my back to the truck

My pack found me passed out in the middle of the woods I had to pass off some story of being startled by a bear making me roll down a hill, becoming disoriented, and walking around till I passed out with thank god they accepted that bullshit

She was going to have to pay for that one way or another

I smiled hearing walking finally I had been here for 4 hours since 5am just waiting for her

She walked into our clearing where we had met past 2 times today she was in sheer black stockings under black high waisted shorts with a white v-neck and knee high black combat boots she stood in the center "are you going to come down?" She didn't even look up at me I chuckled and jumped down landing in a squat I stood cracking my neck

"Man did I do that? I did a damn good job" she complimented herself seeing my large bruise covering half my cheek and jaw

"You are a bad girl" I growled getting annoyed that she enjoyed seeing what she did to me

"I never once claimed to be a good one" she smile I hunched over some my claws growing as I growled I held eye contact she looked at me questioningly before she could process it I ran at her my shoulder in her stomach I slammed her into a tree she gasped and whimpered in pain

I pulled out my holy water and held it over her she looked at me wide eyed her eyes flickering between me and the medium sized bottle of liquid acid to her skin I held my free hand to the tree behind her my arm min her left side blocking her from running

"I give! I give please!" she cowered I held it so it only took the slightest twitch of my wrist to pour it all over her

"Answer me something" she nodded "why did you PUNCH ME IN THE FACE?!" She looked me in the eyes

"I-I dunno" she mumbled

I shook my head and poured out a few drops that landed on her shoulder she hissed "I need a better answer than that"

"Okay okay I was scared... I couldn't control myself" I cocked an eyebrow her voice told me she was being sincere

"From doing what?" I asked she looked down

Alexis's pov

I was scared to tell him I didn't want to tell him but I didn't have much of a choice

"I-I've never been touched how you were touching me and y-you were kissing on my neck I couldn't.... I didn't want to pull away and I didn't want you to I didn't know what to do I was panicked I couldn't think straight... I'm sorry"

I couldn't read his face I looked at the bottle then at his face again he slowly lowered the bottle I watched and noticed his white gold ring ,it obviously wasn't silver, I glanced through the corner of my eye at his hand by my head it was also had rings, 2 of them, one skull and the other had a design carved into it

"Look at me" he could tell I was distracting myself from facing him but I turned and looked

"I-I didn't know that you were... Untouched I don't blame you for punching me I apologize" I blushed

"Before any of that happened the only physical contact I had with a man was a kiss on the hand" he went wide eyed

"You can't be serious" I nodded

"M-My father he has kept me around women my whole life all of my friends were girls, I had private tutors who were all girls, I don't have any uncles or cousins, and when I was allowed to properly join the hunting team I could only train and go out with girls" I bit the inside of my bottom lip "about 3 years ago I was allowed to be around men"

His jaw was dropped "h-how old are you?"


"How long have you been 19?" He asked his voice was stern but sweetly concerned

"34 years"

He frowned deeply he shook his head "ooo my god...y-you're starved" he ran his free hand through my hair "I would have punched me too I am so sorry" he slowly dragged his hand from my hair and one slender finger across my jaw

"You're okay" I whispered finding it increasingly harder to hold eye contact

"C-can I?" He ran his thumb over my lips smiling softly putting the tip of his thumb under the curve of my bottom lip, not something a lot of girls have, it was just because of my natural pouting lips "Do I have permission to be your first kiss?"

I blinked for a second I nodded "y-yes"

He tilted up my chin looking at my lips "so beautiful" he moved his hand that was on the tree and put it on my hip he slipped his hand to the back of my neck

He closed his eyes leaning in I couldn't bring myself close mine I put my hands on his chest but I didn't try to push him away I watched as his lips slowly pressed themselves to mine he sucked my bottom lip lightly and lovingly

I fluttered my eyes closed and tried my best to kiss back he moved his lips expertly and I was trying to do the same as him he pushed me more into the kiss using the hand he had behind my neck

He pulled away squeezing my hip "that was very good for your first time.. would you agree?" I nodded blushing

"Y-yeah" I rubbed my hand I frowned feeling something under his shirt I looked at him scrunching my eyebrows

"You clawed me good baby girl" he tugged his neck line down showing the 3 raised claw marks across his toned inked chest

"I-I'm sorry" he shook his head "it's okay love reminds me of you" I smiled slightly "Since I'm pretty sure we don't wanna murder each other anymore can I have your number?" He asked hopefully pulling out his phone

I took it putting my number in "I do actually have to hunt today" I reminded him "so um I'll go hunt and I-I'll see you tomorrow?" He nodded

"Yeah I should go too the pack will be looking for me... Good bye baby girl" he kissed my cheek and released me he stepped away and smiled before hunching and rolling his shoulders he howled and changed into his werewolf form running off

I took a piece of my hair twisting it I smiled I'd have to go home and scrub extra hard to get his smell off but it's well worth it

That kiss was amazing

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