Ch.23 /Give Me Your Word/

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Harry's pov

I had already called Friday for Alexis's appoint but since then I had been working on what I could say and what questions he might ask

Doctor Johnston was the one that had fixed me up the first time Alexis and I had fought he was the personal Alpha physician he had served for 2 generations and it was about to be 3 ,unknown to him

I called Alexis to make sure she was up and getting ready

"Hello?" A very weary voice asked I frowned

"Baby girl are you just waking up?" I started to eat at the skin around my thumb nail

"No I've been up" I could tell she tried to force her natural beautiful humming voice but it lacked a certain sing-song quality

"Have you been feeling alright?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing

"I feel fine" it just didn't sound like my Alexis ,it was Alexis I am sure of that, but it wasn't the Alexis I loved

"I'm coming to get you wait on the balcony" I said sternly I expected a struggle but she only made a confirming noise and hung up making me frown

I shook my head and got in my car speeding to the edge I got out leaving it parked there while I cut through the wood and ended at the back of her house I'm pretty sure I saw her sitting there sunbathing I ran and grabbed the railing I pulled myself up

she was laying in a chair in the sun her hands over her face I smiled "ready to go baby girl?" She nodded

"Harry the sun is so bright it hurts my eyes" I nodded this must be a symptom of her pregnancy

"I've got you just keep covering your face" I picked her up and jumped down ran but to my car with her I set her in and then myself

I closed the sun roof and looked at Alexis I smiled as she moved her hands but my smile quickly dropped

She had dark purply red spots under her eyes I held her face and frowned "m-my baby what happened?"

"I haven't slept and I haven't eaten in 2 days m-my father h-had locked me in my room I-I can't j-jump over the balcony anymore either but even if I tried there was guards" my jaw drop what a cruel sick bastard of a man

"Here drink" I offered out my arm she held it and licked her lips she drank her eyes brightening the iris and the bags I frowned "s-so why didn't you sleep?"

She pulled off and licked her lip again "I w-was too scared to sleep" I frowned and bit my lip I decided it was best ,for the time being, that I leave it at that

"I set the appointment for Alexis Ann Henry, your a friend from high school that can't afford an appointment and another alpha from a different den had a one night stand with you... I'm sorry it was the best I could think of" I sighed

She nodded we pulled up I got out and opened her door I went to grab her hand but stopped and looked around I just made a fist and opened the doors for her she smiled stepping in

I took the leading she followed me right into the examining room no waiting I smiled seeing Doctor Johnston had already moved in a ultra sound machine I motioned Alexis to sit on the table

She held my shoulder and got up and she looked around "my god my nose is killing me" I laughed

"sorry about that love it'll be over soon enough" I quickly looked over the ceiling corners of the room and smiled not seeing any cameras I held her hand and kissed it "I can't have too much of my smell on you"

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