Ch.14 /Crying With & Crying For/

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Alexis's pov

I put the test on the counter and covered my mouth to sooth my crying I swallow hard over the lump in my throat

I yanked my tooth brush out and started brushing my teeth and gagged so hard I made a loud noise and my stomach clenched I spite if hit and grabbed the mouth wash taking 3 shots of the green liquid I didn't care my lips burned It need my mouth clean

I sighed and put a hand over my stomach trying to hold back my need to be sick I jumped when I heard a thud from my room I lost concentration and threw up in the sink ruining my clean mouth

I fell on my knees and cried hard throwing up again this time in the trash can I heard the door and cried backing up

"Baby girl?" I gasped and happily huffed hearing Harry I started crawling toward the bathroom door

"H-Harry" I bit my lip I saw him walk past the bathroom door he turned I smiled he looked at me and his jaw dropped

"A-Alexis?" He walked in "b-baby girl..." he sniffed "t-there's so much blood... y-your blood" he got on his knees in front of me "w-what happened?"

"E-Elliot h-he choked me a-and drugged me... Th-then h-he used me in my sleep he had me tied up and u-used my mouth to help himself he v-violated me with a 'toy'" I cried covering my face utterly dismayed and unable to hold eye contact

He grabbed me and pulled me to him "ooo baby girl..." he looked at my hands and my legs "w-where are you bleeding f-from...?" the tone in voice told me he knew but wanted me to tell him he was wrong I felt him start to shake I didn't have to answer he held me tighter

Harry's pov

I held her I started to tremble holding her she only had little hello kitty bandaids over serious cuts and gashes "l-let my fix you up o-okay?" I held her as I got up I set her on the counter she whimpered and I couldn't help my eyes watering "w-why aren't you healing baby girl?" I asked worriedly

"He injected me with dead blood I can't heal I'm worse than mortal at the moment" she pointed to the hello kitty bandaids on her neck

Her dress was turning red I started to choke on my own tears I pulled off the pitiful hello kitty bandaids I grabbed the alcohol from under the sink and poured it squeezing my eyes closed as I heard her crying I looked through her drawers till I found gaze

I slowly wrapped her hand and kissed her her lips were so dry and cracked I pulled away holding my breath I looked downed I let out my breath seeing her lap was full of blood

"I-I'm s-so sorry" I cried with her... For her

I hugged her "H-Harry I-I'm s-so scared" I frowned

"Why?" I rubbed her back

"M-My father watched him carry me out" I felt my stomach turn he watched his daughter being carried away to be raped... She wasn't safe not here not with him

I frowned I smelled something... Hormones

I sniffed and pulled away I smelled her no that wasn't it I pulled away and sniffed my lip twitched as I saw it

A pregnancy test I ground my teeth I picked it up and looked "it's 1 line" I looked at her "what's that?" She sighed and put a hand on her heart

"I-It's negative"

I threw it away I picked her up "I'm taking you" I walked out and looked around I grabbed her phone and the blankets and pillows from her bed I grabbed a handful of her underwear knowing she's need to change the ones she had on

I jumped down letting her hold everything in her lap I ran us to the cave, our cave

I laid her down on our make shift bed "c-can I change you?" She nodded I slowly slipped off her dress and threw it I took off the underwear and threw it I slipped on a new pair and took off my shirt putting it on her I put the blanket over her and the pillow under her head

I got up and grabbed a candle I kicked the clothes to the corner of the cave nothing around but rock and set it all on fire I watched it burn before I turned back watching to Alexis setting the candle down

"It's almost daylight you'll be safe here" I lifted the blanket and got under with her holding her as close as possible in her least bruised area

She twisted my hair calming down "you're safe here with me" I kissed her thigh "I marked the cave no wolves would come around and no vampire in their right mind would come around"

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She twisted my hair calming down "you're safe here with me" I kissed her thigh "I marked the cave no wolves would come around and no vampire in their right mind would come around"

I listened her heart beat was pathetic if she wasn't already dead she'd be dying now I leaned up and kissed her again "drink Please" I frowned "I don't want to leave you you can drink from me"

She kissed me again bit and sucked I shivered as she drank she was gulping down blood as fast as she could but pulled off only after 2 minutes

"I could drink you dry and it still wouldn't help me to heal fully" she whispered I closed my eyes adjusting to the new lack of blood

"I'll stay here with you for as long as you need" I smiled at her seeing her bruises fading to green knowing I helped just a little

She cuddled me "don't leave" I shook my head

"I'll be here when you wake up I promise" I kissed her wrapping my arms around her she settled and put her forehead to my chest sighing I rubbed her back until she fell asleep

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