Ch.34\HELP ME\

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Alexis's pov

I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach I started shaking Harry went wide eyed as I dug my nails into his arms "W-We're gunna save them it's gunna be okay it's all gunna be alright" he ran down the path leading to his den

"W-We need help w-we're both weak" I gasped when he stopped I looked it was his house

"Yeah I know that's why I'm dropping you off with my parents" he set me down and I wobbled for a second but growled

"HARRY THEY ARE MY BABIES" I protested holding him with me

"And your mine your weaker than I Am you just gave birth I'm not asking anything more of you Go inside-"


"Who's- HARRY, PRINCESS" we both turned to see his father and mother they looked at my stomach and saw it was deflated it was back to how was before I was pregnant they looked confused

"I don't have time but my stalker has our babies and he's taking them to the reject wolves" I rushed

"You- Who-" his mother started she finally let it at soak in "MY GRAND BABIES HENRY" she screamed

He cranked up his neck and howled it was deep and rough

I grabbed Harry and held him tightly when I heard at least 30 wolves howl back then I felt the earth tremble under me

I nearly screamed when pack after pack of wolves ran and stood before us Harry held me and kissed my head "it's alright"


They all turned and smirked wildly excited to go out for a man hunt they all ran "KILLL" one of them screamed I smiled

"Ooo I like them" I cheered I felt and heard Harry's deep booming laugh

"Have you any vampires to help? Those on the outer lands they fight dirty" Henry asked watched them run

"I-I don't know uhh" I looked toward my land again I licked my lips praying someone would answer I'm sure someone had already found father's body he never usually went so much as a few hours without a call but since the wedding fiasco he couldn't go more than 20 minutes without a worried call

I whistled it was much similar to a dog whistle only my kinda could hear it though I smirked when 20 of my people came it was my team, Lexa, and Leroy

"We are here to serve our queen" my team bowed I glared when 5 walked closer dressed in all black

"As Queen Night riders are at your beck and call we never lose" the tallest one seemed to speak then put his fist to his heart I felt a bit betrayed by them for killing the elders but they were merely puppets in a game they weren't in control of

"Elliot has stolen your heirs make him pay" they all bowed this time and the knight riders were gone faster than anyone but left was Liam he held out 3 blood bags

"For you my Queen" so they did know, then he ran

"Now it's our turn" I sucked each dry I smiled and grabbed Harry running I was so fast I was nearly dragging Harry I jump over the fence in one leap Harry partly climbed but caught up I jolted to a stop Harry slammed into me I turned and scanned the area

We where in the middle of a cracked and broken street bordered by burned down and condemned buildings styled with fallen power lines

"I smell.... Axel" I ran to the right side

"W-we've barely made it into their land why would he be here?" Harry asked I kicked in a door and heard a sob I gasped and ran

I got to the second floor I walked to a closet in a room missing 2 walls I opened it and dropped to my knees seeing Axel in his fathers bloody shirt laid in some rumble

"My baby" I picked him up and cuddled him to my chest

"Y-You were right w-why would he leave him here?" Harry asked confused but not trying to take Axel too soon knowing it was the first time I got my arms around my son

"Protect him while he brought Lydia to those beasts" I groaned he kinda laughed

"It's not what they are it's who they are" I handed him to Harry nodding because what he said us absolutely right

"He's- He's actually a healthy baby normal size and good weight well normal size length wise those shoulders hurt like hell" I sighed happily smiling

"I'll give him to my parents while we look for Lydia" I kissed Axe's head and nodded we walked out I heard some fighting but we saw his parents walking slowly, confidently Harry held out Axel to them "our first born Axel Elliot left him"

They took him into their arms "come on Harry I know they'll watch our baby" I ran my fingers through the little hair on his head and grabbed Harry running to meet up with the rest

Harry stopped us as we came to a mob fight it looked mostly wolf on wolf but I saw my team fighting I ran around with Harry there seemed to be one main building everyone was centered around I jumped into the secondary window sill I ripped the wooden planks off and slid in and within a few seconds Harry was up

"I hear... whimpering" I walked to the doorway I went through there was no door on the hinges at all I jumped when I heard a growl I turned a huge wolf ran right at me I gasped and instantly jump kicked hitting him in his jaw as soon as I landed I quickly turned kicking again this time hitting his chest knocking him back in a forth of a wall it crumbled under his collapsed body

"Alpha do come in" Harry I snapped our heads to the voice down the hall to the only room with a door the voice was pleasant and inviting but held a sinister undertone

I jerked when Harry held my hand but smiling letting him know I just wasn't expecting a touch

Harry's pov

I held Alexis's hand tightly I kissed her cheek it was more to calm myself than to calm her she was always very level headed in serious situations she didn't need to be calmed she handled herself

We got to the door before I could even process to open the door Alexis had reached out and opened it

Dead ahead of us was their 'king'

He was in a broken down padded red dusty velvet chair , his throne, surrounded by buff wolves ,each more than fit enough to be Abercrombie & Fitch models, intimidating but I admit I wasn't too scared Harry may not have been as buff but he could de...

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He was in a broken down padded red dusty velvet chair , his throne, surrounded by buff wolves ,each more than fit enough to be Abercrombie & Fitch models, intimidating but I admit I wasn't too scared Harry may not have been as buff but he could defiantly use strategy, the whole room was lit by only some dim candle light

"Ah Alpha" he stood Lydia in hand, in only his palm "I expected you, missing something?" He chucked deeply

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