Ch.10 \Double Date Night\

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Alexis's pov

I sighed getting ready for a date with Elliot but luckily after I was hiding away with Harry we are going to go into regular human lands and go on a proper date which I was very very excited for

I had in a very tight black dress that hugged and outlined my good curves with a rhinestoned bust with light grey and diamond like gems with a handful of pearls scattered around with them I put on a pearl choker with matching bracelet and earrings

I curled my hair and put on a black smokey eye look and a dark red-black lipstick my nails were painted white and my heels were black they were normal heels nothing special about them I put on my signature perfume a slightly vanilla slightly floral soft smell

I jumped when Elliot walked right in he looked me over and smiled "you look pretty princess"

"Maybe we weren't raised the same but I am nearly 100% positive your mother taught you not to just walk in on a lady specially a princess" I growled grabbing my clutch black purse

"We'll be married soon anyway so anything I see I'll be seeing again" he reached his hand to me I walked right past him

"Where are we going?" I asked as He followed behind me

"I was thinking a seafood place" he hummed I turned

"I don't like seafood the cold blood isn't good" I frowned deeply he shrugged

"We going to 'Hanks by the Bay' everything there is fish so you'll have to eat something" he kept walking now passing me up I closed my eyes and forced myself to follow

He opened the door to his tiny ugly green car I got in and crossed my legs placing my hands in my lap I looked at the time 7:00 I had plans with Harry at 9:00

"I was beyond excited when your father finally accepted my offer" I nodded faking my interest "after years of watching I could finally take you as mine I could be your first, your conqueror" I huffed trying not to laugh

"We could have children for you to take care of, then you could cook for me every night, mm you could massage my feet and back just like in the story books" I laughed out loud this time

"None of that's going to happen I don't want kids with you I'd rather die, I am a splendid cook but I'd poison your food in a heart beat, I would never EVER touch your feet or your back" I cross my arms

"You say that but I'd be your husband i could have and take from you whatever I want" I scuffed

"you've already done so you've taken my night you've taken my privacy and you've taken my last once of happiness by forcing me to be around you I hate you and I always have since the second you started to try and push me around"

I could remember the day I met him as if it were yesterday it only been a day since my father let me make contact with men and I was meeting my male hunter partners but on my walk home her cornered me


I smiled to myself I had met 4 guys today they all were very nice to me they bowed and all

I looked into the windows of houses as I passed I stopped at one a man and a woman were kissing I watched them not in a creepy way but I admired them he looked dizzy from the kiss she was making big dreamy eyes at him

I turned away and walked down the street again letting them alone

"Princess your out alone?" I turned seeing a boy I smiled again

"hey I'm Alexis" I greeted nicely

"Yes I know" I frowned as he walked to close I backed up he reached and grabbed my hair "you smell amazing"

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