Ch.24 |What I Think|

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Harry's pov

I smiled and kissed Alexis's head we were outside on her balcony I had come to help her sleep I brought her a bear to drink we were on a bench swing that was very nicely cushioned and I kept us rocking as she slept on my lap

It was almost dark now I was still relaxed Alexis and I had fought but.... She won

I'd let her try and carry the twins , both of them, and if it came to it she told me to save them over her I don't know if I could stay true to my word but as of now I could at the least said I would

I jumped feeling her phone vibrate I smiled seeing the name Luna I rubbed her arm "baby girl your friend is calling" she shifted

"Mmm?" She hummed rubbing her face in my chest I rubbed the pads of my fingers on her jaw and cheek

"It's Luna baby girl she's calling" she took the phone peeking as eye open she pressed green and closed her eyes again making me chuckle

"Hello?" She mumbled she slowly sat up and yawned I rubbed her little baby bump she nodded putting her hand over mine rubbing my thumb "that sounds really fun I'd love to" she smiled and nodded again "I can be ready by tonight just come over and I'll jump in" she shook out her hair some "okay I'll see you then" she hung up and used her hand still with the phone in it to mess up her hair

"What was that about my love" she smiled

"Luna invited me to go to a concert with her and Leroy it's Arctic Monkeys I'll be gone a few days" I smiled

"Perfect at least I know you'll be safe and I won't have to worry for awhile" she nodded agreeing

"I love you" she kissed me "I'd ask you to help me pack but you can't go in"

I nodded standing up with her "I'll help you next time" I kissed her again and ran my fingers through her hair "be safe try not to get elbowed"


I walked in throwing my keys I stopped mid step and sniffed I groaned and turned to the living room I walked over and saw my parents taking to 2 girls

One looked barely 12 the other 15 maybe

The 12 year old was still and quiet set behind the other girl

The 15 year old was setting in front of them she had no real chest but widish hips but no meat just very thin legs and sides she had red to pink ombré hair

There was no way they could expect me to be with girl she was a child I couldn't even take the idea seriously I shook my head

"How old are you again Gwen?" She flipped her hair

"17 but I'm turning 18 in 2 months" I laughed 17 my ass I turned and walked back to my room slamming my door locking it

Anne's pov

I sighed hearing Harry slam his door I looked at Henry I shook my head and looked at Gwen "we'll be talking to your father thank you" she nodded motioning her little sister to follow

"Anne s-she...her body isn't matured no where near it she's still very much a little girl" Henry tried to argue ,or reason as he'd call it

"I know that obviously I know that she is just a late bloomer puberty will hit her and our grand pup will be born at the peak of her physical health" I smiled he frowned

"I dunno she's looks too young and it makes me too uncomfortable" he shook his head rubbing his arm I sighed giving in because I couldn't deny it

"Well we'll find a girl for him and then we'll have a grandbaby I think it should be a girl there hasn't been a girl in 3 generations a granddaughter just sounds so appealing" I partly whined

"Darling the odds of that aren't very likely it's almost always a boy it's a practical grantee" I sighed and leaned on his shoulder he kissed my head

"he's taking too long" he chuckled at me "I want a baby around now" I mumbled and pulled at his baggy shirt pocket

"Well you'll have a daughter in law within the next 5 months so don't worry about that" he attempted to comfort me I nodded

"I don't mean to be a witch to him but it's just what's best for our den ,for us, and for him" I shook my head "at this point I'd be happy even if we got a grandpup from a one night stand" my tone was very sarcastic but it was true

Henry sighed "sad to say I feel the same I mean 28" he rolled his shoulders "a bit too old for him to still be single and not even dating, I was just waiting for you my love" he smiled

"Awww Henry" I kissed him

Elliot's pov

I rolled my jaw I sighed and smiled I called Alexis hopefully I could call her over and get a bit of release

"What?" She answered

I cocked an eyebrow "hey" I slightly growled "why don't you come over?"

"I can't I'm on the road to a concert" she stated very matter-a-factly

"YOUR WHAT?!" I screamed standing my chair flying back creating an unbearable echo of screeching in my ears "WHO SAID YOU COULD FUCKING LEAVE?! I NEVER GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO LEAVE HEART LAND AND WHO ARE YOU WITH?!"

"I never asked because I don't need your permission to do Shit" she sassed

"I am your Husband" I sneered

"YOU ARE A CURSE MY FATHER PUT ON ME" she screamed enraged I shook my head and started laughing

"I'll level with you I only called for you to come over and suck me off I didn't care for this Stupid banter so when you get back in gunna chain you to my bed and use you as a play thing as long as your pregnancy allows" I licked my lips already thinking off it

"Burn in hell" she replied in a very stern voice

"Your pregnant before marriage you'll be there too" I responded smirking

"Of course I'll be there who else would sit in my throne?" she started to laugh delightfully crazy ,I could see it Alexis on the throne red horns blazing a golden crown hanging limply place over one horn in a tight black dress and stilettos, then hung up

I looked at my phone her picture still on my screen

"If you wanna play then I'll play too" I looked through my contacts and found her father I called

"Hey have you seen Alexis?" He said no I laughed "well when she comes around will you send her my way we had a date planned and I can't find her"

"Yeah as soon as she gets in I'll send her to you" his tone lead me to believe he was just smiling way

"Great thanks" I hung up chuckling

"Can't get away from me"

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