Ch.35/I'll Kick Your As-/

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Alexis's pov

"Yes actually" I held my arms out flexing my hands "you have my little girl and I want her back... please" I only added please cause I was sounding harsh

He smirked "you're adorable you know I just wanna pinch your cheeks and bend you over a table but there are laws you know we are a small society here and all societies thrive with laws though we don't have many we have a few"

He shrugged and licked his lips "a big one I'd all trespassers ,specially vampires, will be killed and most likely eaten" he looked to his left and the men moved showing a ripped apart and half eaten, dead Elliot

I smiled "thank you for that he was an asshole anyway it seems as though you've had your dinner I'll take my baby and go" I stepped closer to him he held her away I rolled my jaw and death glared

"Thing is she's a vampire and so are you some of us want a snack but mmm I don't think we'll eat you I think we'll keep you, you have no idea how rare females are here and as you understand men have urges"

He licked his lips "my my you are such a pretty thing" he looked at his men "yeah boys?" They nodded and made hooting noises he laughed and nodded "and a plus you brought the prize puppy along his pop is the one that sent as all to this hell hole look at that he knows he did bad" he smirked cockily "Bad boy" he talked to Harry like he was a dog

I ground my teeth "look I've been nice okay? I just went through labor, my bones cracked, my husband was shot, and that left over dinner of yours took my infants so you have a choice here"

I cracked my neck then my knuckles "you give my baby and we leave or I am forced to take her and leave bodies scattered behind me"

"You think you scare me?" He laughed

"I don't care if you're scared if you are a smart man you'll give her to me" he shook his head and looked down at her pinching her cheek "I'll give you to the count of 3 to give me my baby girl" I stood straighter raising my hand slowly "1" I put up one finger

"Babe I don't think we are in the position to-" I put my free hand in Harry's face to shut him up

"Don't you ever go against me" I hissed

He nodded "of course Baby girl I'm sorry"

"2" I held up 2 fingers the reject held her up in the air

"3" I put 3 up and shook my head "you'll regret this you motherfucker" I got in a fighting stance

"Get the damn blood sucker!" he screamed they all turned and ran at me

"So be it you're gunna lose men" I grabbed the first one by the neck and flipped him over me and ducked as one transformed mid air as he jumped when he landed behind me I grabbed his neck and snapped it then kicked the one in front of me I used his limp body to picked up and threw bringing down 3 I gave one a kick to the jaw and he grabbed my foot to I jumped and kicked him again with the other he landed on the ground and passed out

I growled when 3 jumped on me earning a laugh from the head reject finally Harry jumped in ripping 2 off and slitting their throats with his nails

I got back up throwing the last one out the opened wall I ran at the reject king he finally realized he was losing and gasped backing up

Seconds before I could reach he held her to his mouth "I'll bite her don't think I wont"

I halted and shook with anger "I'll kill you" Harry stepped away from me the reject licked him her arm I screamed and ran at him he bit


I gasped and screamed "NOOOOO"

Harry screamed and growled his arm in the rejects jaws

Harry had ran around while I distracted him and seconds before he could bite Lydia Harry put his arm in place of her snatching her so she laid in his free arm

I ran again my shoulder hit in the rejects gut he screamed then went silent as his head hit his throne he struggled to hold the gold detailed arm his head had just hit his eye drooping

He fell in the ground blood pooled under him I took Lydia from Harry bring her to my chest and smiled "ooo my baby" I grabbed Harry's hand he ignored his bite as best he could and enjoyed the sight

Harry's pov

I held Alexis's hand she bluntly stepped on corpses while I stepped around we got to the missing piece of wall and jumped out

I landed and crouched to handle the shock but she landed straight up and kept walking focusing on Lydia "my god your so beautiful my little girl" she stroked her peach fuzz amount of hair

I looked at the ground littered with wolves but I only spotted 2 of my men taking note of their identities "carry them to the den" I instructed some of my men they nodded scooping they up my parents were standing in front of the mob of remaining people that helped us

"What now?" One of my men asked the question that caught both Alexis and I off guard

What now?

"W-Well I have to be queen that I know" Alexis stated more or less confidently

"I guess now that I have pups I'll be Alpha" I paused "and I'm marrying a queen" I squeezed her hand she turned to face me

"I love you ,Harry, My King" she smiled

"I love you ,Alexis, My Alpha" I smiled back and kissed her softly


Warning:Next chapter is the last chapter

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